You could have just as easily kept it to yourself. That is the polite and civil thing to do. In fact you could have done less work and been polite at the same time. But don't come in here and insult my work and then act surprised when I get pissed. You knew what you were saying was rude. Why else append it with "no offense"? When has that phrase ever been a precursor to polite speech? Didn't your mothers ever teach you "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."? Just because it's an opinion and you have a right to express it, doesn't mean you should.
I'm so sick of do-nothings minimizing and criticizing everything that others do. You don't like my arcade then build you own. Don't come in here and spew your bile all over my work an then complain about free speech when I call you on it.
Stop hatin.