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Ipad books with a newly formatted computer


iPF Novice
I just had to reformat my computer and of course had to re-install itunes.
Of course when I did that non of the books or music showed up.
My question is - what will happen when I plug in my wife's ipad?
When I plug it in will I loose everything on the ipad?
Is there any way to get everything back from the ipad onto itunes.
I really hate to start all over again loading all the books and music
I know it's to late but, is there something that I should have done before I reformatted?
Thank you
Before you connect your iPad to the computer, make sure you don't automatically sync with it. This can be found in iTunes - Edit - Preferences - Devices.

When you connect your iPad to the computer for the "first" time, you'll have to confirm that you trust the computer. A popup will appear on your iPad, where you'll have to select "Trust".

In iTunes, you can transfer your purchases to the computer: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1848

Before formatting, you could have used one of these methods to make sure music not purchased in iTunes Store isn't lost: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4527
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Does this work with only the purchased items?
I have a lot of books and music and pictures that were not purchased through itunes
Thank you for your quick reply
You can use a third party app on your PC that can extract music and pictures however I am unsure which one to recommend
Thank you everybody for your help.
My wife still hasn't asked me to load in more books - so I'll see what happens when the time comes. Scary

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