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iPad bricked(?) - need help


iPF Noob
Hi guys,

I recently received a bricked iPad from a friend to see if I could revive it. So far I had no luck.

A bit of background:
As far as I know, the iPad has never been jailbroken or anything like that. During a normal update (I guess to 5.1.1) through iTunes it somehow crashed (that's what he told me). After that it was stuck in a recovery loop (always booting into "connect to iTunes logo").
Trying an update-restore through iTunes fails. Usually with a 1603 or 1604 error. No luck from DFU mode either.

I'm working on windows PCs (Win 7 Ultimate 32 or 64 Bit depending on PC).
iTunes is latest version, also tried different computer different cables (all known to be working with my 4S).

I also tried to search the web for the last days and tried several approaches I considered worth trying. Unfortunately most of was I have found was for bricked iPhones 3G/3GS.

Could somebody please try to support me to get the iPad back to a usable state?
I don't care if it will end up jailbroken, on original iOS or whatever. Also I don't care about any data recovery. I "simply" want to be able to use it again and not using it as a paper weight.

If you need any other data (like log files, iRecovery output, etc...) just let me know and I try to provide it.

Thanks in advance!

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The biggest two questions I have is: what generation number is that iPad? And, to what iOS version are you trying to update that iPad?

Once we know whether it's an iPad 1 or an iPad Air (or anything in between), and the iOS, we'll be in a better position to see if we can help.


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Hi Marilyn,

It is an iPad 1. I was hoping it is clear since I didn't specify any higher gen. Sorry, my fault.

About the iOS:
Well since I tried an update-restore through iTunes, it will be 5.1.1 (9B206), which seems to be the latest signed build. In fact I wouldn't care about any specific build, as long as I could get it working at all.

And just to cover the potential question:
NO, I don't have any older SHSH's on file or Cydia. Actually, I don't have ANY SHSH at all. It is not even possible to dump any from the device. (Neither with TinyUmbrella, nor iFaith or any othert tool I know). But that shouldn't matter if I go for the lates Apple-signed build, right?

Thanks and regards,
All I can think to do is start at the beginning: download a "fresh" copy of iOS 5.1.1 (from here: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24939-official-apple-ios-firmware-download-links-ipad.html) and then use the steps in this tutorial to put that iOS onto the iPad: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html

Hopefully, that'll sort it.

Oh, and iOS 5.1.1 is jail breakable (always), so once you get it onto the iPad1, you'll be able to jail break it.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Thanks Marilyn,

The steps from that tutorial were the first steps I tried. This was something I already knew from experience with jailbreaking my own 4S. :)

Although it failed I just tired it again to give the correct details.

- iTunes (windows)
- using direct USB port on a laptop
- using original iPad cable, also tried at least 3 different
- AV-software disabled (Avira, free edition)
- Windows firewall disabled
- Monitoring router logs, iTunes is definitely communicating with apple server
- No other possibly blocking software installed / running
- Hosts file is windows default and empty (see below):

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#     rhino.acme.com          # source server
#     x.acme.com              # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
#    ::1             localhost

Attempt FAILED!

- iTunes is detecting the iPad and tells me it needs to be restored.
- I shift-click restore,
- select downloaded IPSW (link from tutorial)
- iTunes "starts" to restore
- iTunes extracts the IPSW
- preparing to restore
- connecting to apple (at this point the screen of the iPad turns on, but nothing is displayed. So, only backlight is activated)
- again preparing to restore
- Now the apple logo is displayed on the iPad but NO progress bar is visible (I think the progress bar is usually there, right?)
- Takes a couple of minutes then iTunes gives up on me with error 1604
- If I now leave the whole setup like it is (except for clicking OK to get rid of the annoying error message), the iPad reboots after few minutes on its own.
- it boots into "connect to iTunes logo"
- iTunes again detects a device in restore mode
- if I now attempt to do the restore from there everything is exactly the same as before. ONLY difference is: Now iTunes gives up on me with error 1603

I also tried to repeat the whole procedure with pwned-DFU (using redsn0w 0.9.15b3). Same thing, still getting error 1604 as from normal DFU.

Any other ideas? This is really pissing me off!

Thanks a lot so far anyway.
Well, you've done everything I would have done. Which means, unfortunately, that I'm out of ideas. The only other thing I can think of is to try all this again on a different computer.

But, I'm thinking the iPad has a hardware failure. Cause everything you tried should have worked...

Sorry I couldn't help.

Unplug your iPad, and uninstall your USB drivers. Reboot your computer, and plug your iPad into the rear chassis of your computer rather than the front or via a hub/expansion. If that does not resolve the issue, uninstall iTunes, delete the locally cached library.plist on your computer, then install a fresh copy of iTunes 11.0.5, then retry
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Thanks for the hints. Unfotunately none of it helped... If tired older versions of iTunes, different usb ports and even a different pc. The result was always the same.
Any other idea would of course still be appreciated.

Thanks so far!
Since nothing has worked, you may have to consider the possibility of a hardware failure. You may want to consider a Genius Bar appointment at an Apple Store to have a full diagnostic run on your iPad.
Isn't there any diagnostic tool available somewhere? There are all those ingenious JB devs out there. I could imagine they must have similiar tools...
I mean, if apple can do it, there must be an interface waiting to be used, right?

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