Hi there, have trawled internet and this site for an answer, but have found nothing...
I have a JB'd iPad, use the camera connection kit to have an SD card to expand storage. All my music is on the 64GB SD card.
I need an answer to one of the following 2 questions, either would be perfect:
1. Is there a way of changing the default location for music on my ipad to a location (/folder) on the SD card?
2. Is there a 3rd party mp3 app that allows me to change the default location/source for music on from a folder (/location) on my ipad to a location (/folder) on the SD card?
Either would make my life perfect in every way. It is the final piece in the puzzle.
I have a JB'd iPad, use the camera connection kit to have an SD card to expand storage. All my music is on the 64GB SD card.
I need an answer to one of the following 2 questions, either would be perfect:
1. Is there a way of changing the default location for music on my ipad to a location (/folder) on the SD card?
2. Is there a 3rd party mp3 app that allows me to change the default location/source for music on from a folder (/location) on my ipad to a location (/folder) on the SD card?
Either would make my life perfect in every way. It is the final piece in the puzzle.