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IPad could have been much better


iPF Noob
I like my Ipad. It is the simplest of them all; the 16GB Wifi only. It cost $500. Depending on how you view things, this may be way too much to pay or a bargain. After six months, I would say it would have been priced reasonably if Apple had incorporated features that are ubiquitous on most wireless devices. Apple has opened the door to competitors that will surely have more features although the application list will be limited but the Android OS has shown how vulnerable a company can be when they limit what consumers want.

That being said, this is my short list that would have made the IPad (even my low end version) very hard to challenge.

  1. Put a GPS chip in every model. I can buy a brand new Garmin for $100 that has a color screen, text to voice, etc. with a robust GPS chip. Considering all the parts that comprise any dedicated GPS device and the falling prices with advanced functionality, the GPS chips themselves are probably one of the lowest cost components. A-GPS is close to useless. It is more of an annoyance on my cell phone than waiting for a signal lock on satellites. So many people argue that no one would want a GPS device this big. I don't know about that. Realtors for one may find it useful. Getting a big picture of a new town would help sales people and consultants instead of looking at a tiny cell phone screen.
  2. Memory. One little SD card slot. I know the camera kit allows this connection but only to view photos. What if I wanted to load up on applications. I could buy a card that would allow me to offload some apps but still have them available when I want. I could import or export documents, video, photos, etc.
  3. Built-in Webcam. What laptop doesn't have one? It's a wifi device. The size of the screen is perfect for Skype, video conferencing, etc.
  4. Multitasking. I know that is supposed to be released in OS4.2. What did they expect people to do when using an app and they hear the new email "ping".
  5. Bluetooth syncing with my home PC. Maybe I am lazy but I could really do without the Bluetooth if all I can do is connect headphones and/or a keyboard. It would be useful if my calender, contacts, Itunes,etc. could be synced wirelessly. Letting it talk to any bluetooth enabled device. That is why bluetooth was created so devices across platforms and functions could operate/communicate wirelessly.
That is most of what I think would make the IPad great not just pretty good. None of them would add little in cost of parts. The programming would have been done during development. These features would greatly expand the applications by giving developers even more tools to utilize.

Is it just me that thinks Apple did a good job when they should have done a great job? They didn't set they bar so high that others can't leap past them. They were first out of the gate and have been very successful. By not going all out just to be first, their potential competitors get free access to the market data it needs to produce a better product.
I find those criticisms fair, yeah. I mean, I still LOVE my iPad, but it is typical Apple to launch something with some really obvious feature missing, then sell it to you in iGadget 2 as a feature.

It is also typical Apple to not do everything, but what they do do is amazing and better than anything else by far.

I mean, my Windows Mobile phone can do a lot more than my iPhone right out of the box, but the experience doing it is so horrible that the WinMo phone is gathering dust in a drawer somewhere.
Apple tends not allow you to do 3rd party stuff and also allowing you to add more memory or harddrive space except there old iMac and Power Mac series. It's not impossible with tohers but it was not really intended as well. Apple is really closed enviornment with a lot of their stuff.

also, it's not new that Apple products are always over than other company MSRP for a similar item
Lemme take a swing..

Gps chip: I assume one reason is to space. Pre loaded maps take up a lot of space. ESP if you want the nice layout the map app provides. Plus in all honesty, I would never use my iPad as a dedicated navigation unit. It's too big and akward. And if your using it while driving, please don't live near me; I cherish my life.

SD cards: not everyone has a digital voice recorder or camera that uses SD. I agree it would be nice, but those people who own SD cameras have it good, however I'm sure the people who own oylmpus cameras would be fairly ticked they'd have to pay 30 bucks to upload photos.. (though they do sell wifi sd cards now so you can just wifi connect with iPad and upload photos that way)

Web cam: yes! I agree fully. iPad = iPhone 3G. Needed to be like 4.

Multi-task: if I'm going to close a window to go to a new window I'm not seeing the issue here? I agree it would be a nice feature that they should have added as in a few situations I'd like that feature instead of loosing my information in some apps

Bluepoop: jailbreak. It's there I'm sure but yes, should be an included app..but problem is allowing Y device connect with ABC devices. Not all programs or items run on the same policy. Like on a windows computer. It comes with pre loaded drivers, but with new devices daily, they come with a cd with the driver needed. Same rule applies here. Code is a pain sometimes.

I agree with you fully though.
Um... Good points guys.
But what new product has everything from the beginning? Come on..
Im sure the second version will be covering the most of the things we dont have now.
Um... Good points guys.
But what new product has everything from the beginning? Come on..
Im sure the second version will be covering the most of the things we dont have now.

it's an endless cycle, next one won't have everything either and it just keeps going and going =P
[*]Multitasking. I know that is supposed to be released in OS4.2. What did they expect people to do when using an app and they hear the new email "ping".

Multitasking on the iPad is a bit overhyped. It's not like what it would be if a normal computer didn't have multitasking. On a normal computer, if you wanted to read a mail while working in Pages, you would have to save the Pages document, close Pages, open Mail, read the message, close Mail, open Pages, open the document and navigate to where you were.

On the iPad it's different. If hear 'Ping' and you can't wait to read that mail, you simply press the home button, go to that mail, read it and go back to Pages. The document will still be open and you can continue right were you left off. That is effectively just like multitasking.

BTW, hearing 'Ping' while you are typing in Pages is already multitasking and so is listening to music while you type...
...wishes I could make everyone use the term 'fast app switching' rather than 'multi-tasking' as I think it's a more fair and accurate description of what iOS devices do...
I Was Watching A Movie in Netflix

As the credits rolled by at the end of the movie, I saw a familiar name in the list of performers. I pressed pause, hit home button to get out of Netflicks so that I could launch Photobucket in order to find the name of the performer. I didn't find the person in Photobucket so I went to Wikipedia, found out I misspelled the name, went back into Photobucket, spelt the name correctly. I went back into netflix and no movie.

Ideally, if I had multitasking, netflix would still be running whilst I went to look up information in another app. I often times pause movies to look up places that i see onscreen. This is a very irritating habit for other people to watch movies with me. I do this so I can visit that location in the future.

I am looking forward to multitasking for this very purpose. It is great to launch apps quickly but it would be even better to keep apps running in the background while doing another task in another program.
Good multitasking in the iPad's limited memory space needs to be well executed.

Just booted mine up with only one app, aMonitor, running and the memory read out is Wired: 132mb, Active: 13mb, Inactive: 17mb and Free:83mb.
So Very True...

Good multitasking in the iPad's limited memory space needs to be well executed.

Just booted mine up with only one app, aMonitor, running and the memory read out is Wired: 132mb, Active: 13mb, Inactive: 17mb and Free:83mb.

There have been times when my iPad shows something is occupying memory without any app running, except iPad info. And after numerous apps crashing out I know it is time to turn off the iPad to free up that space.

So when multitasking is implemented in the new release, i hope Apple solved the memory swapping routine problems. Or I'll be turning off the iPad more often!
...wishes I could make everyone use the term 'fast app switching' rather than 'multi-tasking' as I think it's a more fair and accurate description of what iOS devices do...

It's something in the middle. On my iPhone, my alarm clock app can wake me even if it's not running in the foreground. That is multitasking. In many cases, it is indeed 'fast app switching' because the app in the background doesn't do a thing, or even stops (like to movie that stopped playing). I think it also depends on the app. It has to be (re)written to support multitasking.
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Good list. I wish they would have included a SD reader and more RAM. Once we get 4.1 IOS on the iPad, and start multitasking, I think we will start running out of RAM.

Still the current iPad was a good start. I still don't see another tablet that you can actually buy, that matches it. I thought the Samsung Galaxy Tab was going to be close, but with the small screen and the rumors about the cost, I don't see any competition from that. Next year, we should see some decent tablets come out.
It's easy to come in after the fact and say shoulda/coulda, but at the very least we should acknowledge that the design engineers had a specific brief about the iPad - it could be no thicker or larger than it is now, and the OS could have no file system.

This means things like full USB ports and memory cards are out due to size and OS constraints. Bluetooth synching of iTunes would be wireless, true, but also pretty slow compared to a wired link and we've seen that the iPad can't sync and work at the same time - so where's the convenience? Rather than 15 minutes with a cable backing up to iTunes, it sits for an hour, unused, losing power rather than charging, all so I don't plug in a jack?

The rest were possible with the current model as boxed, though personally I don't find those features important. Now that the OS has basic file management pending, I'd be most interested in a memory-stick or similar storage option so I could get rid of my AirStash. Another 64GB of storage would be quite welcome.
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It would have been much better if they had included flash. Without flash, it is useless as a web browsing tool IMHO.

I knew that before I bought it so I'm not complaining, I'm just saying "it could have been much better".

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