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Ipad Default music/iTunes Artwork?


iPF Noob
Hi guys and girls, new member, 1st time iPad'er, i will cut to the chase.

I have my ipad mounted in my car as my touch screen mp3 player and am wondering if there is a way to set a default artwork for songs that dont have any, either via itunes or in my ipads settings?

im sick of looking at this below on my dash (example)


Please and thank you :)
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You can use iTunes on your PC to attach missing album artwork to the music. When you re-sync your playlists and songs, it should update them on the iPad as well.
I know how to set the artwork per track etc i meen how do i set a default artwork for tracks that dont already have 1?
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I know how to set the artwork per track etc i meen how do i set a default artwork for tracks that dont already have 1?

I don't think you can set a generic image for songs without artwork, I believe you may need to spend some time identifying the tracks without artwork and adding either the correct artwork or the generic image.

The best place to do that is in iTunes, of course,
:( damm, this is a simple option apple could make happen.

from what ive read, jailbreaking your ipad may be the only option, then just replacing the PNG default file with your own...
I'm a bit anal, and go to the trouble of adding missing artwork. Of course iTunes bought songs come with artwork, and most store bought CDs recognize the album and download the artwork if on file. You can also have iTunes scan for missing artwork and adds what it can. Of course there are always going to be obscure albums and music you just have to locate and attach the artwork yourself :)
This is what I do.

I open iTunes (on the computer) and go to the Artist view (because it shows the album art and tracks in one long scrolling view). The I open a web browser next to it.

I scroll down until I find some missing art work.

In the browser I do a Google Image search for the album.

When I find an image I like, I right click on the album art (or where it's supposed to be), choose Get Info, then drag the art from the web browser to the art box in the Info dialog box. This replaces the artwork for every track in that album.

When you get into the swing of it, it takes no more than a minute an album, depending on how picky you are about choosing the artwork in the browser.

It has occationally taken more than one sync to transfer artwork to the iPad; but all my tracks have artwork now.

On those few occasions that artwork is missing on one or two tracks in an album (rare) I just copy the art from one track to the rest.


If you really want one piece of art to replace all missing art, you could do the same thing, but you would't need to do the searches. Just drag/paste the same art into all the problem albums. Should cut the time to finish down considerably.
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many many many hours later i worked out a way, jailbreak ipad, download iFile, has all the contents of your ipad, find the default PNG, replace it with custom PNG but with same name, done

also made it so i have no lock screen, as soon as my car starts the ipad lights up on my music ready to go, perfect

thanks for all your input though :)

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