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iPad Development introductory help


iPF Noob
Hi all,
I'm wondering if there's some kind of introductory/crash course on development for iPad (knowing that I didn't develop for iPhone before).

Could something like this be managed here for newbies like me?
do you know any other programming languages? if so it shouldn't be that hard to pick up.

Just pick up a book on iphone development.
Ashry, I am making way through two very good books, first is iPad dev for dummies, and second is objective c for dummies. Both written by Neal goldstein. The next best source is the dev center on apple web site.
Are the Dummies books really that good? I've been reluctant to buy any of the dummies books, because I don't consider myself to be a dummy, a never did, so why would I buy a book for a dummy?

I AM really interested in iPad development, though. I've got my Mac (I'm a pc person) and downloaded the dev kit and a bunch of sample code. I've edited a few samples to see what effect it has on the demos, but haven't really done any coding of my own yet. (I'm currently a Flash/AS3 developer now and have past C/C++ experience and Xcode doesn't really look difficult--just different.)
Ashry, I am making way through two very good books, first is iPad dev for dummies, and second is objective c for dummies. Both written by Neal goldstein. The next best source is the dev center on apple web site.

Thanks a lot... I have something similar, but I'm a PC developer, not a Mac... This is the difficulty I'm facing.

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