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Ipad Email All of a Sudden Glitchy


iPF Noob
Sep 27, 2011
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Hello All,
I couldn't see a post on this, so direct me elsewhere if this has been addressed, Been using the mail app for a couple years now. On the ipad 4 for a couple of months. Ive had about 4 email accounts coming into the app, and i deleted one of them this week. (Not sure this is important, but who knows?) A few days after deleting one of these email accounts (that feed into the mail app), the mail app began to act up, not showing text as I'm typing, wiping off 1/2 of the page, even inserting text from other emails not even remotely connected to the one I was writing. I powered down and synced, and all seemed ok again (yesterday), and tonight it's back to it's tricks. What might be going on? Thank you.
Have you updated the firmware recently? Those are some odd issues indeed. Perhaps try and do a restore? Is it just this app your having issues with? Mine has also been lagging recently so be sure your regularly closing any open apps. Also check how full your iPad is, it doesn't seem to like running if there's not much free space left.
therealriley said:
Have you updated the firmware recently? Those are some odd issues indeed. Perhaps try and do a restore? Is it just this app your having issues with? Mine has also been lagging recently so be sure your regularly closing any open apps. Also check how full your iPad is, it doesn't seem to like running if there's not much free space left.

Hmmm...I assume a firmware update occurs as I stay current with all Apple system updates. Hope that means I'm current. I've never done a restore. I fear it will not replace everything as was last backed up, but may have to get over my hesitancy if this issue persists. My 64g ipad is barely 1/2 full. Not seeing issues with anything else. Oh, and the mail app is often shutting down / crashing, even though it immediately lets me back in. Something's going on here. I am contemplating deleting each email account, and reentering it, but your idea of a restore sounds most thorough.

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