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Ipad Email Display


iPF Noob
;) hi guys, sorry that my first post is to ask for help. Hope that as time goes by i'll be able to help others also.

my ipad, display this coded email messages:

> {\rtf1\ansi\fbidis\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720\fromtext{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl;\red192\green192\blue192;} {\*\generator Microsoft Exchange Server;} {\*\formatConverter converted from text;} \viewkind5\viewscale100 {\*\bkmkstart BM_BEGIN}\pard\plain\f0{\fs20 > {\rtf1\ansi\

but in outlook the email displays correctly.

any ideas? is there a settings on the ipad whether to read the message as HTML or plain text?

thanks for any ideas.

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Hello and welcome to iPF!
No need to worry! You're not the first one who posted a question within his introduction. But if you've already looked around a bit, you must have detected that all moderators and members are friendly and helpful.
So let's see if I can help you.
I suppose you setup your Outlook account in Mails/Contacts/Calendar. Did you do so with Microsoft Exchange? Or do you use an app?

Look at this link, I hope it's useful:
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Looks like a header, or something, for an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.

There is no display setting for Mail on the iPad. It normally detects and displays plain text, RTF, and HTML emails automatically. I have no idea what might have broke this particular email on the iPad.

If you need it on the iPad, you could try forwarding it back to yourself and see if Outlook cleans up the formatting when sending it. Or just copy and paste the text into another email and send it to yourself again. That probably has a better chance of working.

If you start getting these constantly from the same source, I'd contact the sender and find out what app and methods they are using. That might help narrow down the issue.
hi J.A., thank you so much for your reply.
The email was created in a Mac Laptop using Outlook for MAC and the host email server is MS Exchange. :) :)
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Looks like a header, or something, for an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.

There is no display setting for Mail on the iPad. It normally detects and displays plain text, RTF, and HTML emails automatically. I have no idea what might have broke this particular email on the iPad.

If you need it on the iPad, you could try forwarding it back to yourself and see if Outlook cleans up the formatting when sending it. Or just copy and paste the text into another email and send it to yourself again. That probably has a better chance of working.

If you start getting these constantly from the same source, I'd contact the sender and find out what app and methods they are using. That might help narrow down the issue.

hi twerppoet, good catch for the error. I never noticed it that the first three letters was RTF. Which indicates that the email was composed on RTF format.

Will try to send using HTML and will update whether problem still persist.

I guess RTF will really have a problem on non-MS products, I just suppose no offense to MS. (hehehe)

Thanks for your help. :) :)
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As I said, Mail normally works fine with RTF emails. I don't know why your's are not working. Not having Outlook, I can't do any experimenting.

Good luck, and please let us know if you figure it out.
hi twerppoet, mail was resend using HTML. it was fine, i guess it has something to do with the RTF fornat. Thank you.

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