iCrush said:Team,
I am looking for an app that will allow me to run a PowerPoint on my iPad-3 (or New iPad), and control the slide advancement via my iPhone4.
Is there anything like this in the App Store?
Kricke said:Here is an alternative to slideshowremote app.
Get keynote app and keynote remote app from the app store. Import your ppt into keynote.
Present your presentation on the iPad and control it with keynote remote.
BUT to do so, you need to have a wireless network. I couldn't get Bluetooth to work.
Hope this helps.
Kricke said:hpulmer, thanks. I tried a Bluetooth connection again.
During my first attempts I tried to establish a Bluetooth connection between my devices but when this failed I gave up.
Now that you write that it works I tried another way which works.
I just started bluetooth on both devices and opened the apps. And voila, now it works. WITH Bluetooth.
So thanks again for letting me know that BT will do the job as well.