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iPad home screen problems

Hula mama

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2014
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My home screen is now only half the width of my screen and only half of the icons are showing. I can't get to mail, safari, and several others. I try to scroll the screen to get the rest and it won't scroll. Anyone know what causes this? I've checked out the settings but I didn't see anything that would control a half screen. I can't scroll vertically or horizontally.
My home screen is now only half the width of my screen and only half of the icons are showing. I can't get to mail, safari, and several others. I try to scroll the screen to get the rest and it won't scroll. Anyone know what causes this? I've checked out the settings but I didn't see anything that would control a half screen. I can't scroll vertically or horizontally.
Does the blank half of the screen remain stationary when you rotate the iPad from portrait to landscape? If so, you likely have a hardware problem. If the blank half if the screen does rotate as you turn the iPad, there may be some kind of software issue. If there's an Apple Store close enough, you may want to make a Genius Bar appointment to have a full diagnostic run.

Is your iPad still under warranty? If it is and the problem is hardware related you may receive a free replacement. If the warranty is expired, the repair cost is generally about half the cost of a new iPad.
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It is still under warranty. I got it for Christmas. I've found an Apple store nearby. I see what I need to do tomorrow. Thanks for the reply
It is still under warranty. I got it for Christmas. I've found an Apple store nearby. I see what I need to do tomorrow. Thanks for the reply
If you can, connect your iPad to iTunes on your computer and do a full backup. If you receive a replacement iPad, you can set it up from the backup you made.

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