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Ipad keypad not working on some forums/websites


iPF Noob
Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
I just noticed recently that some forums and websites the keypad does not pop up when hitting the screen in the message "block". I am writing this question on my laptop. Quite ironic that I have to use my laptop to ask a question about my ipad on an ipad forum?

I am new to the Ipad and if anyone has any step by step answers that would be great!
I just noticed recently that some forums and websites the keypad does not pop up when hitting the screen in the message "block". I am writing this question on my laptop. Quite ironic that I have to use my laptop to ask a question about my ipad on an ipad forum?

I am new to the Ipad and if anyone has any step by step answers that would be great!

It is not the iPad - it is Safari. The version of Safari that the iPad uses will not work on all web sites as it would on a Mac. This is one of the big reasons that people will try and use other browsers - although they all have their issues.

If you can't access this forum, make sure that your cookies are enabled, and that javascript is turned on.
pluto6 said:
It is not the iPad - it is Safari. The version of Safari that the iPad uses will not work on all web sites as it would on a Mac. This is one of the big reasons that people will try and use other browsers - although they all have their issues.

If you can't access this forum, make sure that your cookies are enabled, and that javascript is turned on.

How do you enable cookies and turn JavaScript on?

pluto6 said:
It is not the iPad - it is Safari. The version of Safari that the iPad uses will not work on all web sites as it would on a Mac. This is one of the big reasons that people will try and use other browsers - although they all have their issues.

If you can't access this forum, make sure that your cookies are enabled, and that javascript is turned on.

I am new to the forum and am looking for help using my iPad with a car printer, any help would be appreciated.

I changed the settings and it seems to be working for ipadforums. It still doesn't work with some other websites and forums. Learning some things about my pad everyday!
I have never had any issues with safari on any web sites however some third party browsers cannot access the text area in forums it is necessary to go into preferences and change the way the browser looks at the site most offer safari as an option.
pluto6 said:
It is not the iPad - it is Safari. The version of Safari that the iPad uses will not work on all web sites as it would on a Mac. This is one of the big reasons that people will try and use other browsers - although they all have their issues.

If you can't access this forum, make sure that your cookies are enabled, and that javascript is turned on.

I am new to the forum and am looking for help using my iPad with a car printer, any help would be appreciated.

Is the printer a wireless (WiFi) printer? More-or-less, the iPad can only print to WiFi printers. The iPad introduced, with the latest version of the operating system iOS 4.2 in-app printing for those apps that choose to take advantage of this capability (not all apps do, or have yet been updated to take advantage of this, so you need to check out whether the app you want to print from has made this change).

Apple's in-app printing uses a new printing protocol called AirPrint and, at present, only a few printers support this (there's a list on the Apple web site). That's the bad news. The good news is that there are a number of third-party apps out there that will allow you to print to non-AirPrint printers. I use one called PrintCentral that, when installed, cleverly makes itself appear like an AirPrint printer, but converts the AirPrint printing protocol into a form 'understood' by most other printers.

If you let us know what your 'car printer' is, then we can give you some more specific help.

Good to hear from you.

Thanks Tim. I have wifi printers in the house, no problems there. I have read all positive feedback on print central. I have not selected a printer for the car yet, that is the input I'm looking for. Do car printers use wifi or USB? Is the iPad comparable to all portable printers as long as you use print central or some other print app like HP?
PrintCentral is compatible with most but not all printers. If you're using a printer at home, this is not a problem because you can download an app for your PC from PrintCentral that makes your PC 'look' like an AirPrint printer and you can then print via your PC's printer - wired or wireless - whatever type of printer you've got. But if you're in your car I'm guessing you don't want to have your laptop there to facilitate this, so it would be important to select a printer that PrintCentral supports - which is most but, as I said, not all. I use a color laser printer at home, so I can't be of much help in advising what printers are compatible - but if you use the Search button near the top of the Forum webpage and search for 'PrintCentral' you'll see that numerous members have reported success (or otherwise) with their printers.


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