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ipad Mini as e reader?

I have a Kindle HD in addition to my ipad mini. They both have the same 32 GB of memory, but the ipad was almost exactly twice the price of the Kindle HD. I like them both for reading though. I just alternate them when the battery on one needs recharging. Maybe I read too much!
The kindle paperwhite to me feels more like reading a book as I have sensitive eyes, I spend atleast 10hrs a day working on pc and my eyes are stressed at the end of the day. Normally before I fall asleep I will read about an hour and find myself having to focus more on text, my eyes feel like they are going crossed. I struggled with the idea of having a tablet plus a dedicated e-reader since you can indeed use an ipad for a reader, but in the end after trying out the paperwhite my decision was cut back on screen time or pay the money for the e-reader...
I have an iPad mini and a regular kindle. It's more comfortable on my eyes using the ereader. I'm thinking about the paperwhite or voyager for when I read at night when I need a light but don't want to disturb my hubby. The ipad screen hurts my eyes after an extended period of time reading. During the day, the mini is great.

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