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iPad musicians


iPF Noob
iPad and musicians

how many people on here are musicians and own an iPad?

And If you are a musician have you found any apps useful for your creativity?

I've been finding the mutltitrack daw app nice to record guitar demos whenever I get an idea or just feel like playing and thumbjam is a really nice program too but I haven't really used it much for coming up with ideas though.....

I'd hope one day ableton would make an app for the iPad for making electronic/ambient type music. I feel there's so much potential for music programs on here, It would be if they utilize it over time and it would certainly make it a step up than any other I-products other than a laptop or pc obviously, but to have all those programs on something like this would be nice and already is pretty solid.
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I tried changing the title but it doesn't let. Ipad musicians is probably misleading cause I really mean to be talking about musicians that have ipads not musicians that play from the iPad as the title might suggest, but i still think its a cool idea to have more music programs on here though, and I'm sure there will be ;)
I have an entire page devoted to music-related apps - foremost being forScore, which allows me to read and annotate music scores (up to full orchestral scores) in various formats. There's also Shiny Drum, which my three-year-old loves playing the percussion beats along to music.

(I don't play an instrument these days, but I did have 14 years of music lessons in violin and viola, and was an arts manager in an orchestra between 1999 and 2006.)
I intend to get a osc controller for using ableton at some point.

Otherwise I am using a free piano app at the moment, thinking of getting a synth too.

So easy to spend money.
I got a program called xenon yesterday, its pretty tight. You can put together synths and beats, and arrange tracks together

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