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iPad noy syncing all photos


I've tried to find a reply to this question on the forum but I cannot find an exact one. Apologies if I am repeating.

I am using iTunes 10.5 but have not updated to os5 yet. I can sync all 980 of my photos if I select the folder they are in but if I try to sync the parent folder to get the iPad to arrange my photos in their individual sub folders. only 45 get synced even though iTunes recognizes there are 980.

Am I missing something silly?

Thanks for any heads up

The iTunes sync only recognizes one level of folders. Any folder in the selected folder should sync. Any subfolders will be ignored.

I'm not sure what would happen if you also had photos in the top level folder. I've never done it. You may have to put them into an album/folder so that iTunes knows you want albums (not just pictures) from that folder.

If you turn on the selected folders option you can turn albums on and off for syncing by checking/unchecking the folders.

Hope that made sense.
The iTunes sync only recognizes one level of folders. Any folder in the selected folder should sync. Any subfolders will be ignored.

I'm not sure what would happen if you also had photos in the top level folder. I've never done it. You may have to put them into an album/folder so that iTunes knows you want albums (not just pictures) from that folder.

If you turn on the selected folders option you can turn albums on and off for syncing by checking/unchecking the folders.

Hope that made sense.

Thanks for the reply.

I have my pics in a folder called holiday 2011 - if I select this folder and check it for syncing all the photos sync ok. If I try placing this folder within another , say pics, and check the pics folder to sync, iTunes recognises the correct number of photos but only syncs 25 of them .

I tried deleting the cache annd evert time it still only syncs 25 photos. Reverting back to select the holiday 2011 folder and they all sync again

Ok, I don't understand what could cause that. When you say you've deleted the cache do you mean the iPod Photos Cache? Because that's the only other things I could thing I could think of.

iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder


I revisited the iPad photo cache again - deleted it and loaded the folder again. It worked this time. I did this already and it didn't but alls well that ends well.

Thanks for the help


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