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iPad Owner -- Finally


iPF Noob
Hello all. I am the owner of an iPad 3, my first Apple product. I've owned only Android devices in the past, including the Motorola Xoom tablet. Why did I get an iPad? Because of the apps available for it. My phone is the Samsung Galaxy S III.

Now that I've had the iPad for a few days, some personal perspectives and questions:
  1. I miss the widgets and personalization capabilities of Android. One of the biggest turnoffs of being an Apple owner for me has been the amount of control Apple has over the user. I just don't like it, but I guess I'll have to get used to it until Android tablets have an adequate level of supporting apps.
  2. Why doesn't the iPad have a back button or function? It is so exasperating not to have this feature. You have to depend on each app providing this functionality and some of them don't do it very well.
  3. I find it interesting that some third party apps are better executed on the iPad but some others are not as good as on my Xoom. For some reason, I had this idea that all of them would be better on the iPad.
  4. Other than the amount of apps available for it, please explain to me why I should keep buying future generations of the iPad rather than the best available Android tablet? (And the screen on the iPad 3 is great, but not great enough to make me buy the iPad.) :)
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Yay, congratulations on getting an iPad! There is some further customization that can be done by jailbreaking the iPad. Mickey330 might be able to help you there.
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