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iPad Question


iPF Noob
Hey everybody,

I just have a quick question. I am planning on buying an ipad on friday, as a take to work replacement for my laptop.
I plan on using it mainly for web browsing, a few gigs of music, and a few movies at a time.
All of my movies will be stored on my external hard drive at home, and ill load a few movies to the ipad for one day at work, and then replace them with a couple different movies for the next day, and so on, and so on.

Im also not a huge ios gamer, maybe solitare, or doom..etc.

do you think the 16gb should do me fine?

im stuck between the 16 and 32gb versions, but i really can't make up my mind if paying the extra 100 for the 32gb would be worth it.

It all depends on how many movies you want to store on your iPad since they take up a lot of room. Since that is one of your primary reasons for buying one, go for the largest you can afford.

And what kind of job do you have where you can watch movies at work???
I'm a security guard for a company that makes grenades and other explosives for the military.
Watchin movies and surfin the internet helps me keep my sanity in between the times i make my rounds lol.
Movies take up between .75 and 1.5 GB Generally. 32GB would be nicer - load movies for several days, just incase you forget somedays.
I recommend you to go for 16 GB iPad. It has enough space to store movies and games as you just want to use it for entertainment.
I personally went for the 16GB since I wasn't using my ipad for my full music library. I just copy movies up when I need them and since I encode most of my movies to mkv format ~400mb per movie, the 16GB is more than ample. I also use OPlayer HD to watch them since I can wirelessly browse my NAS at home and pull down the movies I wish to watch later. When I don't have movies on board - I only use about 5GB on my iPad and that includes all my apps and a 2GB music playlist leaving around 9GB free for movies.
64 gig, without question

I have close to 40 gigs loaded and the space is rapidly diminishing. That's only five movies,by the bye.

I have always been a believer in the "buy the biggest drive and most memory available" theory and still end up enlarging both somewhere down the line. With the iPad, there is no expanding it later when you realize you should have gotten the more capable model to begin with.
I'd roll with 16. After my few grand of photos and a grand of music, I have 10gb left.

Plus in a few months youll probably want an iPad 2. Sell the current for $300 (200 loss but if you got your use out of it...) and put that to the iPad 2. Asses your needs then..
If that was the case, wait for the ipad2, why the hell burn $200 just for the fun of it, just wait another few months,
SweetPoison said:
I don't. I think you should get the biggest you can afford. I got the 64 with wifi and 3G ~ just wanted to be sure I could always get to cyberspace and never run out of room during the trip.:D

Yea I bought the 16 gb wifi for 499€. In dollars it is the equivalent to a 32 gb wifi I believe. But yea, if I had the money I would have purchased a 32 wifi. Its more than enough for me. But the 16 gb does gets the job done. As for the internet, I have wifi in my home and when out and about i use my HTC as the hotspot , with a car charger for the phone, I am able to stay connected to the Internet as long as the iPad has charge. Until I purchase the car charger for the pad. Hehe.

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