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iPad really needs .... a max, min, close buttons


iPF Noob
I love the pad. But it could really benefit from a simple maximize, minimize and close screen/window button! Home button is fine and all but not very convenient. And with as much home button pressing that gets done I see it as being one of the first mechanical features to fail or get problematic. Apple, please at app max, min, close please :^)
OMG! Think of the time that would save. The way it is, it's like starting all over every time you change apps. This "multitasking" is a joke.
Can't agree more with that title.
The least I'll ask for is a one Button "Kill All", that will enable us to shut down all the Sleeping applications that were opened previously.
Can't agree more with that title.
The least I'll ask for is a one Button "Kill All", that will enable us to shut down all the Sleeping applications that were opened previously.

This button would benefit me, after my 3 year old daughter plays with the ipad. she opens every app in the ipad!:mad:
Not understanding what a minimize button would do. iOS doesn't have windows to minimize. Double-touching the Home button brings up the tasks list so no need for another button to get there.

No need to do a "kill all" on an iOS device. This isn't Android after all. Go into an Apple store and test drive one of their display iPads. Those things have run every app on them while people play with them. Performance doesn't suffer.
No need to do a "kill all" on an iOS device. This isn't Android after all. Go into an Apple store and test drive one of their display iPads. Those things have run every app on them while people play with them. Performance doesn't suffer.

I guess you are right, since iPAD is not a real MultiTasking machine. It is more like "copy the applications Icons into the hidden task bar down there.
It may even save time if you have all your application Icons ready and "open" - saves time to open them up again.

But you see most of us coming from the real computer programs, feel uncomfortable to have all those application "Open" down there.

I guess we'll get use to it in time.
There are a select few apps that do stay open in the background on iOS. The more apps that offer that background processing the more performance degredation we will see. Unless Apple decides to control which apps offer that functionality.
I'm not sure how dedicated maximize/minimize buttons would work in the iOS, plus Apple's vigilante-like attitude towards buttons in general can pretty much guarantee they'll want to keep the number of "ugly" buttons on their devices kept to a minimum.

And yes, iOS doesn't have true "multitasking" but I would take this version of multitasking any day rather than cutting my battery life down by at least a third. Even though there isn't multitasking for every type of app out there, I like the way Apple implements what I like to call "selective multitasking." I can still listen to my pandora while browsing the forums or download and install apps/updates while browsing through the App store for more stuff. Even though it isn't true multitasking, there are still plenty of multitasking properties that are optimized for a tablet device.

I still wish Apple would bring back the hardware orientation-lock switch, though. I'll agree that is pretty much the worst move Apple made with the 4.2 update.
I think they will just offer a hardware solution, ie a device with more ram and a faster processor....with some nifty catch cry like " things just got thinner and faster...with a camera"
I dont need the mentioned buttons, but a CURSOR MOVE buttons for the keyboard would be really needed.

If there is a form, where you can add for example a replay for a forum, and it's small, no scroll bar (like here the quick replay field), and after you edit the top, you cannot go down.

There is no arrow, to be go to the end, or 1 line below...
Can jailbroken iPad's download different keyboards? I downloaded a keyboard app called SwiftKey to my Android phone and it's got arrow keys built in. Seems like it would be easy enough for one of the jailbreak developers to integrate a different keyboard.
Can't agree more with that title.
The least I'll ask for is a one Button "Kill All", that will enable us to shut down all the Sleeping applications that were opened previously.

This button would benefit me, after my 3 year old daughter plays with the ipad. she opens every app in the ipad!:mad:

At the same time won't it eat up some memory and perhaps even slow down the iPad? At time of writing this I had 40 apps "running"!
No, it won't eat up any system resources or battery life because none of those programs are actually "running. " Once again Apple has pulled the wool over people's eyes and made them think they are getting something that they actually aren't. It's not true multitasking, it's more of a record of your recently used apps. It's almost pointless in my opinion.

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