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iPad Recognition Problems


iPF Novice
Since I upgraded my iPad 1 to iOS 5.1 and my macmini to Os Lion, the OS Lion does not recognize my iPad when it is plugged in. iTunes will usually recognize it, though after some time has passed. Sometimes it does ot seem to recognize the iPad at all. And I no longer get the usb bleep when I plug it in.

I am running Bootcamp with Win 7 on that side of the "duplex". There, when I plug in my iPad I get a warning that the device is not recognized---and that Win can't install the proper driver.

Can anyone steer me in the direction of a solution?

Well, I checked Apples solutions and none of them worked.

Seems the real problem is under Win 7. I did everything suggested, even to removing and reinstalling the Apple software (iTunes, Quicktime, Bonjour, and all the Apple Mobile Applications software). Same old problem.

Did a web search, to no avail. Apparently lots of people ave problems with "satellite" usb hubs which were solved by using main computer usb jacks. Not for me!

Things seem okay under Appel Lion, but not under Win 7. Reason I need the latter? Someone on the forum suggested thay I use iFunBox to delete photos frim the photo album, but it only runs on Windows!
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