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iPF Noob

I want to view the root FS on IPAD Air IOS 7.0.4
I have tried IExplorer but it wont work with Windows 7 and I cant find a registration key
I have successfully used the evasi0n hack to Jailbreak
I can see the IPAD in My Computer file explorer and have DCIM folder with one test photo within.
I cant open and view the contents of the 3.1GB of whatever is on the IPAD hidden in the DCF partition.
I have tried partition manager from EAseus but it wont mount the IPAD.

Please can someone help point me toward a tutorial for this and explain what is in there.

Thanks Zenn
Let me preface with the following: I know nothing about jailbreaking iOS devices. That being said, I think the underlying OS is a Linux/Unix variant and probably uses one of the extended FS (probably EXT3 or EXT4), F2FS, NILFS2 or another journal file system - none of which are understandable by MS operating systems without active help from the host FS.

Maybe you can see/read the 'disc' by booting your PC into Linux, easily done with a CD/DVD loaded with a live distro.

I want to view the root FS on IPAD Air IOS 7.0.4
I have tried IExplorer but it wont work with Windows 7 and I cant find a registration key
I have successfully used the evasi0n hack to Jailbreak
I can see the IPAD in My Computer file explorer and have DCIM folder with one test photo within.
I cant open and view the contents of the 3.1GB of whatever is on the IPAD hidden in the DCF partition.
I have tried partition manager from EAseus but it wont mount the IPAD.

Please can someone help point me toward a tutorial for this and explain what is in there.

Thanks Zenn

The best thing to use, IMNSHO, to access your iPad's file system is - iFile. It is $4.00 (USD) on Cydia and with it you can gain access to the entire iPad. So, may I suggest you try that (you get a free trial with basic features, the $4 gets you more advanced features).

Or, you can use the free computer program iFunbox which will run fine on your Windows 7 PC (well, it runs fine on mine...). You will need to go to Cydia and install the file called "afc2dd" that will allow you to connect and access the iPad via USB cord. It's a free file, but necessary.

Once you have iFunbox, you can access the iPad file system from your computer.

I use both options, depending on what I want to do. Hopefully, these'll get you started.

Oh, and if I may add: be very careful when digging around in the iPad file system. Deleting or moving the wrong thing can make your iPad inoperable, which will require you to restore it to get it to working again. I'm not saying you will ... just saying to be careful out there. :)

You can also install openssh and than get winscp (both free). Then, you can see the entire filesystem with your Windows PC, viewing it with a monitor instead of the iPad screen.

It is important that you follow the Cydia advice and change your "root" and "mobile" passwords.
You can also install openssh and than get winscp (both free). Then, you can see the entire filesystem with your Windows PC, viewing it with a monitor instead of the iPad screen.

It is important that you follow the Cydia advice and change your "root" and "mobile" passwords.

Difference between SSH-ing and afc2add client viewing is that SSH is dependent on a stable connection, and is not user friendly when it comes to transferring or modifying in bulk. Using a client such as iFunBox uses a data cable, so less interference, consistent and guaranteed speeds, and no worries about disruption in connection mid-transfer (unless you're twiddling with the USB cable while transferring for some reason)
Difference between SSH-ing and afc2add client viewing is that SSH is dependent on a stable connection, and is not user friendly when it comes to transferring or modifying in bulk. Using a client such as iFunBox uses a data cable, so less interference, consistent and guaranteed speeds, and no worries about disruption in connection mid-transfer (unless you're twiddling with the USB cable while transferring for some reason)


I don't mean to be confrontational but I need to pick on your reply:

I SSH from my own WIFI network. The only things that would interfere with an SSH transfer would be a power outage or a PC crash, both extremely unlikely. This is true of most other setups. We all jailbreak for freedom, but you are suggesting that we go back to the dark ages and rely on wires for transfers!

Also, Winscp is VERY USER FRIENDLY. It has a simple GUI drag and drop interface.
Oh, there's nothing wrong with wireless! It is quite handy and does make things easier ("look, Ma! No wires!").

To be honest, I'm thinking willerz2 was more pointing out the hassle of transferring large files via any wireless methods. For example, I like to mod any themes I use. I do so by putting them on my PC, playing around with them and then putting them back onto my iDevice. Those are big files and I've noticed its quicker to use a wired connection than a wireless connection. And, since I'm sitting at my PC, it's just as easy to plug in the iDevice right there.

As always, YMMV. I think that both are great. I guess it depends on your needs and intents. Or habits... ;)


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