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iPAD Secure My Email Accounts With A Password


iPF Noob
Hi iPAD Users,

I often share my iPAD with my children and other adults

Other than my Mail there is nothing private on my iPAD
However my Mail Is Private

When sharing my iPAD
How can I secure my email / mail accounts

Eg force a password or disable it till I re enable it ?

What are my options ?

Thanks - Grant
I think this question was asked a while ago, and no, there does not appear to be a way to do it. Mail does not appear in the restrictions list.

Why not try taking your login password out before you hand it over? Haven't tried it myself as I have no mail which would be even remotely interesting to anyone else, but I should think it would work. Or get a gmail account and forward all of your mail to it, then delete the originals. That way you can access your emails on the web. Safari CAN be restricted.

Hope this helps.
You can unlink your email from the native app and sign on each time via the Web. Might be a pain, especially if you have multiple accounts, unless you route multiple accounts through one account.
Thanks for the suggestions to date
I really like the Mail App On The Ipad
So much better than Web Gmail - Yes it is a Corporate Gmail Account

Was hoping that I could continue to use the iPAD Mail App and share my iPAD with others

Any other thoughts ?

Or am I to assume nothing can be done ?
or there is no suitable workaround for this ?

Thanks - Grant
Thanks for the suggestions to date
I really like the Mail App On The Ipad
So much better than Web Gmail - Yes it is a Corporate Gmail Account

Was hoping that I could continue to use the iPAD Mail App and share my iPAD with others

Any other thoughts ?

Or am I to assume nothing can be done ?
or there is no suitable workaround for this ?

Thanks - Grant

You could delete your password from the native mail app and re-enter each time, but that seems even more cumbersome, especially if you have multiple accounts.

Maybe someone will suggest a jailbreak alternative, though you might not want to do that if your iPad is work-issued. Some companies also set up security measures to force password entry each time, but that might lock the entire iPad.

Heck, if your work email is worth protecting, maybe you can make the case for your company to buy or subsidize more iPads.
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