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iPad Spam - MacKeeperApp and Sexpartnerx


iPF Noob
I couldn't find a thread on this, or anything through Google. I can't be the only one with this problem.

A couple of weeks ago, I started getting a pop-up on my iPad 2 for something called mackeeperapp2. It appears whenever I reboot the iPad. The full message reads: "http;//mackeeperapp2,zeobit,com Please consider cleaning your Mac from junk." with Cancel and OK.

Now I'm getting two pop-ups -- mackeeperapp2 and a second one for sexpartnerx. It reads: "http;//www,sexpartnerx,com ********************" followed by a message in Chinese. It has only an OK button. When I touch OK the message disappears and reappears a second time.

Anyone know how to get them off my iPad?

Thanks for the reply, Richard.

That was actually a different issue, the appearance a few months ago of fullscreen iAd banners. The solution was indeed to delete the app (and let the developer know why).

This issue is different. Since I can now attach images, here are screenshots of the messages. Note that although these shots show apps running, I've even gotten the messages at the lock screen after rebooting the iPad. And in any case, the app on the right is a paid app which doesn't show ads. Note also that the URLs in both messages are invalid.


My iPad is jailbroken, so it's certainly possible someone has discovered an exploit there.

Last edited:
As you are jailbroken I have taken the liberty of moving your post into the hacking section where hopefully you will get the help that you need.

Good luck.

The Archangel

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