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iPad to LED tv


iPF Noob
May 31, 2014
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Morning folks
Here is what I would like to do.
We own one of those big food trucks and we are constantly updating our hand written menu.
This is extremely time consuming to the point it can't be done sometimes depending on traffic.
We would like to have our menu posted on an LED tv along with photos of our food.
Thinking that if driven by our iPad, we could easily change text and photos on the fly.
Does anybody have a reommedation as to an app that would get done?
I was thinking Microsoft Office for iPad???(only because familiar with it)

Also, what connection cable is needed to plug the iPad into a flat screen for viewing?
Additionally, the tv will be hung in the portait mode!

Thanks for listening

Well, you're connecting it to a TV, so you'll either need the appropriate cable, or an Apple TV (small $99 black box) and wireless network (a router like the Airport Express would do). The cable is cheaper, but you won't be able to move the iPad around when displaying your menu. You can find both on Apple's online store at Apple

What cable you need will depend on what connections your TV has, and the model of iPad: 30 pin for iPad 3 and earlier, lightning connector for later models.

I think presentation software like Keynote would be a better choice than Office (well, I suppose Power Point would work as well). If you are considering a new iPad the iWorks suite (including Keynote) is a free download. For a used iPad you'd have to spend a bit of money, but far less than the 70 dollars a Personal Office 365 subscription you'd need for the official Office apps to work on the iPad. Third party Office compatible apps may or may not work for you. Power Point support is usually their weakest, least supported feature.

Using the TV on it's side is likely to present some challenges. The iPad wants to display in landscape. Using the iPad in portrait mode on a TV usually results in letter boxing (black space on the sides) to present the iPad's screen vertically.

You could get around this in Keynote by rotating your text 90º, but that will be more work when creating/editing the slides. Or you could just design your menus in landscape instead, perhaps with two columns. That would be easiest.

One of the advantages of using Keynote (or other presentation software) is that you'd have the option of playing the slide show continuously, rather than a static menu display.

Good luck.
Well, you're connecting it to a TV, so you'll either need the appropriate cable, or an Apple TV (small $99 black box) and wireless network (a router like the Airport Express would do). The cable is cheaper, but you won't be able to move the iPad around when displaying your menu. You can find both on Apple's online store at Apple

What cable you need will depend on what connections your TV has, and the model of iPad: 30 pin for iPad 3 and earlier, lightning connector for later models.

I think presentation software like Keynote would be a better choice than Office (well, I suppose Power Point would work as well). If you are considering a new iPad the iWorks suite (including Keynote) is a free download. For a used iPad you'd have to spend a bit of money, but far less than the 70 dollars a Personal Office 365 subscription you'd need for the official Office apps to work on the iPad. Third party Office compatible apps may or may not work for you. Power Point support is usually their weakest, least supported feature.

Using the TV on it's side is likely to present some challenges. The iPad wants to display in landscape. Using the iPad in portrait mode on a TV usually results in letter boxing (black space on the sides) to present the iPad's screen vertically.

You could get around this in Keynote by rotating your text 90º, but that will be more work when creating/editing the slides. Or you could just design your menus in landscape instead, perhaps with two columns. That would be easiest.

One of the advantages of using Keynote (or other presentation software) is that you'd have the option of playing the slide show continuously, rather than a static menu display.

Good luck.


Thanks for the insight.
We have 2 ipad3 on truck at all times so moving is not a problem.
Cable is fine.
TV will be brand new with HDMI or component input.
I really need to go potrait with the screen as this will hang in our doorway.
I have seen it done on other trucks (not local) but they were running a laptop instead of ipad.
Trying not to buy another piece of electronics.

Portrait should be possible, it will just be awkward. All you need to do is design your landscape slides so they look right when you turn them on their side. Perfectly possible in most presentation apps that will let you rotate your text, shapes, and images 90º. :)

I say awkward, because editing rotated text usually involves either straightening it as you edit, which throws off you ability to see how it looks until you are done, or editing it in the rotated view, which tends to make you want to twist your head into alignment.

Keynote uses the second method, btw.

This is the Apple 30 pin Digital AV Adaptor (HDMI):

Apple 30-pin Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.)

You might be able to find third party versions for cheaper, but be sure to make sure they are Apple certified if you want assurances of quality and safety.

My partner went to the Apple Store as she is not a forum believer.
They echoed exactly what you have said here!
Fun project for next week.
I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again

My partner went to the Apple Store as she is not a forum believer.
They echoed exactly what you have said here!
Fun project for next week.
I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again

Nothing wrong with going to the experts. I'd do that myself if I had an Apple Store reasonably close. Then again, I probably save a lot of money because I don't have an Apple Store reasonably close. There always seem to be some impossible to resist extras lying around on the rare occasions I do visit a store.

Good luck.

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