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Ipad to replace laptop for photos?


iPF Noob
Thinking of getting an Ipad to replace carrying a laptop on trips.
My usual workflow is to shoot in Raw then download to laptop (using CF cards) and delete duplicates, minor editing (exposure, white balance, cropping, resizing for email).
First: does the Ipad work with an external HDD? I can easily shoot 4 gb of pictures/day. So even with a 64gb Ipad at some point I would need to transfer pictures to a portable HDD.
I'm frequently in areas without wifi or cellular coverage so "the cloud" won't really help.
Is anyone doing this or similar? Or will the Ipad allow me to do this?

iPad has a SD/Camera reader connection kit that allows you transfer images directly to the device from a camera or SD card, as far as working with a USB HDD, I haven't heard of that and I doubt it's possible.
I have the first gen iPad and you could probably use it as described (I know nothing about the Hyperdrive).
Having said that, IMO the 11in MBA (MacBook Air) would be a better choice. Not much bigger than the iPad and can run Aperture or Lightroom etc..


sharp televisions
Home Theater
Thinking of getting an Ipad to replace carrying a laptop on trips.
My usual workflow is to shoot in Raw then download to laptop (using CF cards) and delete duplicates, minor editing (exposure, white balance, cropping, resizing for email).
First: does the Ipad work with an external HDD? I can easily shoot 4 gb of pictures/day. So even with a 64gb Ipad at some point I would need to transfer pictures to a portable HDD.
I'm frequently in areas without wifi or cellular coverage so "the cloud" won't really help.
Is anyone doing this or similar? Or will the Ipad allow me to do this?


I specifically bought my iPad for my photography. The solution to your situation is any easy fix. Upload all your photos with your laptop to an online storage site like Picasa. Photobucket, Snapfish or Photoshop storage sites. I use & love a commercial site called SmugMug. Once your photos are in their online albums you can easily copy/paste them, as you need them, onto your iPad. That way you're not eating up the iPad's memory but you still have total access to your photograph collection. www.smugmug.com

If you need to load the photos directly from your camera to your iPad http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC531ZM/A
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My usage for photography (and I always carried laptop and HD for travel photography) is to carry only the Ipad now. Since last May, after trying it, I carry the Ipad and load all my RAWs, view, maybe share by email or Flickr, but rather than carry a HD I bought extra cards and just move to a new card and store the used ones until I get home and upload to Lightroom/PS. Works quite well. My FF body uses CF cards so I upload from camera with mini USB cord/CC and from camera using SD with the other CC. I can also upload to Dropbox to share with folks back home too. The other option is to find a HD which accepts the cards. I opted for just adding cards since memory is so cheap. Its not difficult to delete photos from Ipad if uploaded via CC when you wish to do that. I have a 64GB do haven't had storage issues.

Diane B said:
My usage for photography (and I always carried laptop and HD for travel photography) is to carry only the Ipad now. Since last May, after trying it, I carry the Ipad and load all my RAWs, view, maybe share by email or Flickr, but rather than carry a HD I bought extra cards and just move to a new card and store the used ones until I get home and upload to Lightroom/PS. Works quite well. My FF body uses CF cards so I upload from camera with mini USB cord/CC and from camera using SD with the other CC. I can also upload to Dropbox to share with folks back home too. The other option is to find a HD which accepts the cards. I opted for just adding cards since memory is so cheap. Its not difficult to delete photos from Ipad if uploaded via CC when you wish to do that. I have a 64GB do haven't had storage issues.


This. Cards are getting extremely cheap. Lol
Thanks Diane B, that sounds like it may work. I have a Canon 5DII so the file sizes in raw are rather large.
Not sure I understand your workflow- "so I upload from camera with mini USB cord/CC and from camera using SD with the other CC" ?
What is CC? Sorry I'm a total Ipad rookie and don't understand how to do file transfers.
Thanks, and pm is fine to keep from clogging the board.
CC is the Camera Connector ehich is $29.95 I think. It has 2 adapters in the kit. One takes the SD card and plugs into the bottom power port. The other (both are very small) has a place for your camera's mini USB cord to plug into and then it plugs into the Ipad's power port. I carry both of them with me. As I said, they are small white little blocks that just plug in and the files upload automatically (you can choose what files if you don't want to load all).

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