My hardware:
iPad jailbroken 3.2.1 (not 3G)
Windows XP
No access to another computer to try and restore
I've got blobs backed up on Cydia
I noticed some oddities on my iPad, in the form of Air Video not showing video and not being able to play movies through the default video app. Sound would play, no video.
So I figured I'd try rebooting the ipad and see if that took care of it. And everything went wrong.
When it booted back up, it didn't show my wallpaper. Which I thought was odd, but...whatever.
Then I noticed that the screen looked a bit different. My dock was up against the left side of the screen, not showing the iPod and just a tiny little dock. It won't re-orient between landscape and portrait mode. In an app it will rotate, but the outside of that, it's locked to portrait mode.
Sliding the screen-lock button causes it to display a bell/bell with a slash through it.
I verified the version is 3.2.1.
I've tried restoring using TinyUmbrella 4.1.4 and I get a 3002 error. I downloaded iPad1,1_3.2.1_7B405_Restore.ipsw from apple, did the SHIFT+Restore, and get the 3002 denial. My firewall is off, my anti-virus is off (avast) and it looks like my hosts file isn't sent to Read Only.
I can't restore from Apple, I was willing to take an Update and Restore and was denied with the usual apple server not available message.
It seems to kinda like it's running in "iphone mode" or something.
Trying to bring up the cydia app I get an error refreshing data and can't tap on the "okay" button. The other selections along the bottom of the app (sections, changes, manage, search) aren't selectable either. I went into another app that has options along the bottom like cydia does, and they weren't selectable in that either.
I'm willing to wipe the damn thing and even have it upgraded to 3.2.2 and lose the jailbreak. I just want it to work like it used to
iPad jailbroken 3.2.1 (not 3G)
Windows XP
No access to another computer to try and restore
I've got blobs backed up on Cydia
I noticed some oddities on my iPad, in the form of Air Video not showing video and not being able to play movies through the default video app. Sound would play, no video.
So I figured I'd try rebooting the ipad and see if that took care of it. And everything went wrong.
When it booted back up, it didn't show my wallpaper. Which I thought was odd, but...whatever.
Then I noticed that the screen looked a bit different. My dock was up against the left side of the screen, not showing the iPod and just a tiny little dock. It won't re-orient between landscape and portrait mode. In an app it will rotate, but the outside of that, it's locked to portrait mode.
Sliding the screen-lock button causes it to display a bell/bell with a slash through it.
I verified the version is 3.2.1.
I've tried restoring using TinyUmbrella 4.1.4 and I get a 3002 error. I downloaded iPad1,1_3.2.1_7B405_Restore.ipsw from apple, did the SHIFT+Restore, and get the 3002 denial. My firewall is off, my anti-virus is off (avast) and it looks like my hosts file isn't sent to Read Only.
I can't restore from Apple, I was willing to take an Update and Restore and was denied with the usual apple server not available message.
It seems to kinda like it's running in "iphone mode" or something.
Trying to bring up the cydia app I get an error refreshing data and can't tap on the "okay" button. The other selections along the bottom of the app (sections, changes, manage, search) aren't selectable either. I went into another app that has options along the bottom like cydia does, and they weren't selectable in that either.
I'm willing to wipe the damn thing and even have it upgraded to 3.2.2 and lose the jailbreak. I just want it to work like it used to