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ipad with 2 itunes account : impossible to install updates


iPF Noob

I have an ipad, and I use 2 account : one in France (I am French), one in USA. I use it because I can then buy some comics in USA store, or some application which are not available in France.

I have a big issue :

I have bought some App in the French store.
I have bought some App in the US Store.
on my mack book, used to synchronize and saved everything, I have transfered all the items purchassed.
then, to synchronize, I have used the French account, because it is the account used most often.

today, if I received in the Appstore application of the ipad, a notification about any update, I can't do the updated, because it try to force me to use the US Account, event if I connect into the french one, in the parameters page of the ipad.

to bo clear, I buy an App in the French store, with my French accoutn. if an update is coming, it try to force me to use the USD Account, which ask me to buy again the Application, becauser it don't find it in the App purchased list !

any idea of how to fix this ?

I have two accounts too. Have you tried signing out? Then signing in again? It'll give you option to enter which account you prefer.

yes, I have tried to sign out, sign in in the French account, today I have no way to update my Apps.

if I try to make the updates on my mackbook, it works ! the apps in the French Store are updated with my French accoutn, the Apps of the US accoutn are updated with the US account !

but I don't have always my maclbook avazilable, and I would like to let my ipad not connected, most of the time.

I think I know what you mean. It happens to me too. If you are already signed in to your let's say US account on your iPad, then you want to update a certain app. When you click on update a pop up ask for your password to your US account . Then after awhile another pop up appears with your French account asking for your password. is this it? If it is then, just ignore the second pop up for your French account. It always happens to me too. I just ignore the account which I don't need. And the update continues. Try if it works.

No I only have one popup.

I connect to itunes ( in parameter, store tab) on the ipad, with my french account.
It says to me : you can obly buy app in France.
I buy an App in the french store, with my french account
Later, an update is coming in the app store.
I click update.
Then, it ask me to enter, in a popup, my password, but with the login of the us store. This login is not possible to modify, it is grayed.
Then, if I try to continue, it says to me : you don't have bought this item, do you want to. Buy it etc....

I'm just thinking, you might have bought the particular app using the US account you have. If not, you open iTunes in your iPad. Before you update anything. Sign out. Then sign in using existing account.
Oh I forgot to tell you. Updates are free! Don't worry which account pops up there. It wont charge you with anything. Im sure this is also bothering you.

I know the update are free. The problem it it charge me two times : one time the first day, when I buy the app, on the French store.
One time when I do the update, because it force me to buy it on the US store.

Than, because I don't want to pay two time the App, I can't update.

Don't worry someone bounds to help you here. My problem was much simpler than yours.

So, you now have two of each app on your iPad? iPad can detect if an app already exists on your iPad.
No, i have tested only with one App. The "French" App disapear, and was replaced by the "US" App.
After that, if I tried to connect to my itunes account, under itunes on my macbook, I was able to see that the App was shown in the both account ...

Instead of opening a new threat I post my problem here.

I have actually a similar problem, I have a German account and an US account.
The problem is, I constantly get a pop up from the US account and it really goes on my nerves!

Is there any way how I get rid of this pop up?

Thanks very much for your help!!


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