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Ipad wont show in itunes at all


iPF Noob
Was hoping someone might be able to help me. My iPad ad air wont connect to iTunes at all and before. This is what i have tried so for
New itunes, old itunes
New and old usb cables
3 different Pc and 2 laptops
Uninstaller itunes drivers etc in reinstalled updates the driver and so on.
My pc install it ok and when you plug it in it show up in my computer even itunes will automatically run and ask you to trust it etc but it never shows up in itunes at all.
Which version of iTunes are you running on your computer? Which version of Windows is your computer on?
I have tired the latest version and even tried a few off the older versions and am running windows 10
I tried my friends old ipad it it picked theirs up no problem
I just added a link in my previous post. If that doesn't help, you may have a hardware problem. The Genius Bar at an Apple Store could run a full diagnostic to be sure.
Starting to think it is a hardware problem as i have even tried all that just thought it was strange that i tunes picks it up at first and for a few seconds you can see it trying to load but then nothing comes up. Thanks for the help anyway I will just use it as it is for now as everything else works
Starting to think it is a hardware problem as i have even tried all that just thought it was strange that i tunes picks it up at first and for a few seconds you can see it trying to load but then nothing comes up. Thanks for the help anyway I will just use it as it is for now as everything else works
Are you able to do iCloud backups with your iPad?
Was thinking thia my self and was gonna have a go of replacing the part till i saw how much messing it was
It's certainly possible to ruin the iPad unless you have the proper training and experience with this kind of delicate repair job.

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