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Are you talking about sheet music that is in PDF form? You can always put it on the iPad via iTunes or e-mail it to yourself. Or, use an online storage service such as Dropbox to store/download it. Then, you can use any e-reader app to open and use it. I have used iBooks as it seems to be the best. Of course, YMMV.

If you are talking sheet music that is proprietary to another program, such as Scorch or Sibelius or an online creator, then I'm afraid you'll have to look in the App Store to see if that particular program has a compatible app. Or, buy the music and either download it as a PDF or scan it to put into your iPad.

Hope some of this helps. Holler back if it didn't or if you need more clarification.

hi does anybody know how to put sheet music on to an ipad 1 thanks to any replies

Marilyn our super moderator gave you exactly how to get music scores onto your iPad. I would provide additional information too:

1. I am a chorus member, I sing in two choirs. Throughout the year, I cycle through a lot of paper scores. I carried several portfolios filled with paper scores. A real burden. Enter the iPad. Since owning this iPad for over two years, I have saved myself a lot of lost time by turning my scores into PDFs.
2. I have 3 different music readers: A) forScore, B) GigBook, C) Music Reader. The one I use the most is forScore. It handles my processing of these scores very well, from practice to rehearsal to performance.
3. The benefit of using specific apps that manage music scores, include NO PAGE turning sounds. You can mark your score just as easy with the app's marking tools, etc. and you can go back and forth inside of the score. You can bookmark particular packages. The forScore app includes a pitch pipe and a keyboard, this allows you to pick up notes in a score.

Word of caution, music scores are copyrighted. So DO NOT copy your music scores and then re-produce them and send them to other people. You must have one physical, paid copy per pdf file you create. No sharing!! It is the same concept as buying a cd-and ripping it to your iPad, it is just for your use.

There are several ways to get a PDF file onto your iPad:
1. Attach your PC to your scanning equipment, and then attach the iPad to your PC, launch iTunes and sync it to forScore.
2. If the music score is NOT too big, you can email it to yourself.
3. If you have a Drop Box account, or iCloud, etc. you can save it to those websites and bring it down to your iPad.

As Marilyn advised, you can see your music scores in iBooks or any other PDF capable app, but to really make music, you need something like forScore.

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