Hi Guys, I purchased an Ipad 1/ 16gb wifi that had been updated to IOS 4.3.4 so the only solution i have found to jailbreak is Tethered. I checked the SHSH saved for this Ipad and found the next one down was IOS 4.2.1 I would like to have IOS 4.3.3 and do not have a saved SHSH for it. So i figured, I downgrade from 4.3.3 to 4.2.1 and then I update to 4.3.3..... Until now I managed to downgrade to 4.2.1 and am jailbroken untethered. I really have gotten used to multifunction gestures on my other Ipad and understand that they are not possible in 4.2.1 so my question is: Is it possible now to upgrade to 4.3.3 even though I do not have an SHSH for this IOS? If so please point me in the correct direction: Thanks