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ipad1 Purchased iPad1. How to delete old apple account?

Go to setting>store and click on the apple ID it will give you the uptown to change it.
Alternatively you could restore the iPad to factory default settings using iTunes on your computer. Then set it up as if new.

The Archangel
My wife bought a new iPad gave me her iPad I. I have already set up my emails and calendars and am now on the apps, so I don't want to reset the whole machine to factory settings if I can avoid it. I tried resetting the apple ID in setting>store and resetting the home screen, but wife's apps are still there and the ID shown when apps update prompt appears is still her apple ID. Any suggestions?
Can't you just do a factory restore from the control panel on the IPad.
Seems like after all this time that Apple would have something so basic taken care of on the OS of these devices.
I really like my IP2 But I also really like my Android Tablet.
It would be great if it were possible to have a Android tablet with the general layout of the IP but the open ability of the Android OS.
IOS is much brighter in color and much cleaner, while Android is more flexible.
Would be nice if there were a hybrid OS that gave the best of both worlds.
My wife bought a new iPad gave me her iPad I. I have already set up my emails and calendars and am now on the apps, so I don't want to reset the whole machine to factory settings if I can avoid it. I tried resetting the apple ID in setting>store and resetting the home screen, but wife's apps are still there and the ID shown when apps update prompt appears is still her apple ID. Any suggestions?

I am no Apple pro, but I would guess that the only sure way out is to do a reset on the device.
I had a android tablet that I sold and I wanted to pass the games and what not on to the new owner but the tablet would not let me remove my acct. It seems with android and maybe IOS, that any software installed under your acct requires your acct to stay on the device.
And the only way to remove your acct is a factory restore. You can add accts, but once you have installed any apps with a new acct, it too is there until factory restore.
It seems that you can just remove the apps installed by your wife's account and re-install the ones you want using your account. You will lose any data that is tied to those apps, but it will not affect photo, videos and music that's on the iPad. Otherwise a full reset is it.

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