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ipad2 iOS7

While searching online I noticed there was an previous iOS that allowed marking links and a number of marked links/windows in the upper right hand corner of the iPad screen, but I can't find this feature with iOS7. I have a link that shows what I am trying to explain, but this site won't let me post it.
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While searching online I noticed there was an previous iOS that allowed marking links and a number of marked links/windows in the upper right hand corner of the iPad screen, but I can't find this feature with iOS7. I have a link that shows what I am trying to explain, but this site won't let me post it.

If you're talking about having two apps open and being able to interact with both apps via their own viewable windows simultaneously, then no.. stock iOS has never provided that type of feature. I'm not even sure this is possible with a jailbroken device because this would require a sophisticated windowing system.

Update: If you let us know what you're trying to achieve someone may know of a method of doing so.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I found another person (who explained it way better than me) on another
thread asking the same thing. Evidently, it was a feature in the beginning of ios and is now replaced with tabs. It is featured on a site by Mahalo called "How to Open a Link in a New Window on The iPad" in case you want to know just for future reference.
Is it possible to have more than one window opened at the same time with iOS7?

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

I'm wondering if you're talking about Safari here. On an earlier OS you could have up to 9 tabs open and could view them all on your screen at the same time. You could switch between the windows but could only interact with 1 at a time.

There are other apps which can have a dual screen, I've even seen one with the screen divided into 4 and you can change the size of each tab although sorry I can't remember the name of that one. Hopefully someone else does know it.

Anyway is this the type of thing you're speaking about?

You will not be able to post a link until you have done at least 3 posts.
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I found another person (who explained it way better than me) on another
thread asking the same thing. Evidently, it was a feature in the beginning of ios and is now replaced with tabs. It is featured on a site by Mahalo called "How to Open a Link in a New Window on The iPad" in case you want to know just for future reference.

Ah, yes, that sounds like a Safari feature. Thank you for explaining that.

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