iPF Noob
OK iPad tech people...I need some tricks/tips about safari and keyboard on my ipad2 running the latest ios5 software
Q1 safari on my doesn't like many websites to view videos that are flash or QuickTime based....any solutions?...WTF?...the world doesn't have an "app" for everything yet...haha
Q2 why is the keyboard format different from one website to another?..is there a way to customize or keep a default keyboard no matter what website I visit one what app I am using...this is a real pain!
Q3 is there a way to have a ".com" on my keyboard button especially when doing email? I've seen it on a website I visited once and if I recall the newer androids have it...i don't have an iPhone so if it's on that device why not iPad?[/QUOTE]
Q1 safari on my doesn't like many websites to view videos that are flash or QuickTime based....any solutions?...WTF?...the world doesn't have an "app" for everything yet...haha
Q2 why is the keyboard format different from one website to another?..is there a way to customize or keep a default keyboard no matter what website I visit one what app I am using...this is a real pain!
Q3 is there a way to have a ".com" on my keyboard button especially when doing email? I've seen it on a website I visited once and if I recall the newer androids have it...i don't have an iPhone so if it's on that device why not iPad?[/QUOTE]