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Ipad2 no sync with itunes


iPF Noob

I'm trying to sync my ipad2 with itunes but nothing happens. My last sync was a few weeks ago and it worked without problem.

Actually i'm running 5.0.1 jb and itunes is

What can i do to see if i can sync again without update ipad to 5.1 cause i use jb?

Can i update itunes without problems staying on 5.0.1 on the ipad?

Thank you.
Try updating your iTunes to version 10.6, which is the latest. Maybe that'll help? And no, it won't affect the jail break on the iPad.

Mickey330 said:
Try updating your iTunes to version 10.6, which is the latest. Maybe that'll help? And no, it won't affect the jail break on the iPad.


Thank you for the answer, i will try to update and will report.

Sent from my iPad 64Gb JB 5.0.1 using iPF
I installed latest iTunes but when I try to sync nothing happens.

I noticed that the iPad is recognized by iTunes and any time I click on sync when it reaches the part where it must sync the apps it stops without any further advice of error.

Can I restore the iPad to 5.0.1 or will there be no option and I have to wait for the new JB 5.1?

Sent from my iPad 64Gb JB 5.0.1 using iPF
Problem solved.

I was navigating trough the iPad looking in the last things I installed and I noticed that an addon from cydia was blocking the operation of sync.

Don't ask me how I did it to find the responsible to that,it was pure luck.

Tnx for the help.

Sent from my iPad 64Gb JB 5.0.1 using iPF

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