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Is it necessary to Sync Ipad mini with desktop?


iPF Noob
Purchased in May 2013, & if I recall correctly, Apple salesperson told me at time of purchase, it is not necessary as iCloud does it automatically each day. Thank you.
If you have an iCloud account, and enabled iCloud Backup there, it will not backup every day, but: when it's connected to Wi-Fi, plugged in and locked. So it isn't necessary to backup using iTunes on your computer.
Purchased in May 2013, & if I recall correctly, Apple salesperson told me at time of purchase, it is not necessary as iCloud does it automatically each day. Thank you.

As Johanna has said, the iCloud backup alone is fine to use (and may be the only option for some, e.g. if you do not have a computer w/ iTunes - not uncommon anymore) - I'm still using iTunes on my laptop (just don't need to sync multiple i-devices via the Cloud) - for more clarification, checkout this Apple Support Article - interestingly, using both together is not discouraged - not sure that I'd want to use that choice but 'redundant' backups are always a good practice - I do it w/ my iMac & MBPro - might have to re-think backups (BU) of our iPads? Will be interested to have others 'chime in' on combining wired & wireless BUs for their devices? Dave :)
If using icloud and iTunes to sync then you can on,y choose one backup method. I use both systems (sync with iTunes via wifi) but I chose my back up to be with icloud.
Thank you all. How do you choose one back up method over the other and what or how does one "lock" as mentioned above? When I connect my ipad mini to my desktop computer, iTunes opens up, and my ipad is shown under devices, but it does not give me the option to select it. Sometimes, I feel like a dummy when it comes to technology and how it is always changing. I really appreciate all the help I can get, as I am a tech-challenged person. Thanks again.
When you enable iCloud backup (Settings - iCloud - Storage & Backup), your iPad will "tell" you that it will no longer sync to iTunes when connected. As soon as you turn off iCloud backup, it also shows you that it will sync.

And your iPad is "locked" when the screen is black, but not turned off. Perhaps you have noticed that your device's display will "turn off" when not used for some time. This means: it's locked. To unlock it in ths case, you press the Home button, and you'll see one of your homescreens again.
You can also lock it by pressing the Power button once, shortly.
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Thank you all. How do you choose one back up method over the other and what or how does one "lock" as mentioned above? When I connect my ipad mini to my desktop computer, iTunes opens up, and my ipad is shown under devices, but it does not give me the option to select it. Sometimes, I feel like a dummy when it comes to technology and how it is always changing. I really appreciate all the help I can get, as I am a tech-challenged person. Thanks again.

If you open iTunes first, and then plug the Mini into the USB port, do you see the Mini (a tiny icon) on the upper right-hand corner of iTunes on your computer? Click on that icon and scroll down and look for the backup feature. It will give you a choice of where to back up. I like backing up both my Mini and iPhone to iTunes - since I figured it out. I am a PC person, so all this was new to me too. I do not have wifi at home, so when I do get around wifi for a while I also back up to the cloud, but not as often.

It is confusing these days... but you'll catch on. Keep asking. :-)
If using icloud and iTunes to sync then you can on,y choose one backup method. I use both systems (sync with iTunes via wifi) but I chose my back up to be with icloud.

Actually, this is not quite accurate. I use both backup systems with my iPads and iPhone. First I back up and sync with the device on the computer in iTunes, and then I change it to back up via iCloud, run that backup, then go back to setting it to again sync/backup with iTunes in the computer. This way I"m covering all bases. True, you can use only one backup method at a time, but you most definitely can use both backup methods and IMHO this is preferable. Yesterday I got my new iPad Air. I first backed up my iPad 3 in both the computer and in iCloud, and then set up my new iPad Air. The new device now is a mirror image of my iPad 3. First I used iCloud to set her up initially, and then I connected her to the computer and iTunes in order to get all of my music (I don't use iTunes Match). She is good to go now......

To answer the initial question, though, it is not necessary to have a computer and iTunes; I have a friend who uses just iCloud to sync her iPad 2 and she does not need a computer for anything; she syncs and updates OTA with the iPad and all works just fine.
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