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is it possible to retrieve deleted history via safari

If you have a backup of your iPad on iTunes that was done when you had the safari history you need, you can restore your iPad and get it back. Otherwise there is no other way I know of.
Unfortunately, the iPad does not contain the PC equivalent of a trash bin where you can go to retrieve recently deleted items.
back to storing web browsing history

probably been asked and answered a thousand times..apologies im a newbie
newbie here too..to the forum, that is...not to my iPad2. I consider myself pretty astute and a quick learner of new things. but I must be "missing something" with this issue. Hope you IPad techies have the answer....
I realize it's not possible to retrieve my deleted history...which i didnt ..at the time I deleted all cookies ...realize would not allow any further storage of cookies for continued logging my browsing history. so...why doesnt Safari continue now tostore my history AT ALL anymore? I dont see anything in my settings that prevents history from storing... what did I do...or Not do? thank you.

newbie here too..to the forum, that is...not to my iPad2. I consider myself pretty astute and a quick learner of new things. but I must be "missing something" with this issue. Hope you IPad techies have the answer....
I realize it's not possible to retrieve my deleted history...which i didnt ..at the time I deleted all cookies ...realize would not allow any further storage of cookies for continued logging my browsing history. so...why doesnt Safari continue now tostore my history AT ALL anymore? I dont see anything in my settings that prevents history from storing... what did I do...or Not do? thank you.

Could you possibly have Private Browsing turned on? That will prevent Safari from keeping any/all cookies. To check the settings, go to the Safari tab in your Settings app. Look on the right side to find the line titled "Privacy."

The first item is "Private Browsing" and make sure that it's turned OFF so you can accept cookies.

The second item is "Accept Cookies" and, when tapped, it will offer you various ways your iPad will accept cookies.

If that helps, yay. If not, holler back and we'll take another shot at it.

Well hellloooooo fayeettafaye! how could I miss such a simple solution?
being humbles is so uncool!
Thank you, Marilyn...you are now my iPad hero.
God Bless you!
Yay! Glad to hear that things got sorted for you. And, thanks for coming back and telling us your problem got resolved. Always nice to hear back - especially the success stories. :)


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