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Is it possible to transfer movies from your computer to your Ipad 2?

Is there anyway to transfer stuff like moves from you home computer onto your Ipad 2? I have my cable set up to run through a dvr into my home computer since my flat screen dosen;t have a cable hookup and I use my flatscreen as my computer monitor but I was wondering since I record alot of tv and movies onto my computer is there a way to transfer some onto my Ipad?
Hmmm... Have you looked into Apple TV? If your Mac is recent enough, it will mirror, and share with AirPlay to the Apple TV box connected to your TV. Apple TV is also the asker to your iPad question. iPad will Airplay / stream / mirror to the Apple TV.

There is also an app iMediaShare will stream directly to some TVs from an iPad. You will need to get the movie onto your iPad. This requires iTunes and a sync procedure.
Yes you can i
do it all the time,you need to download a movie for your own use,onto your PC.Then put it into a File.Then you need to make it into a mp4 file ,by using a file convertor you can download free off the Net.Once converted you need to connect your Ipad to your PC by the leads you should have when purchased your Ipad.you also must have ITunes on your PC
Sorry did not finish ,hit the wrong part and sent,anyway hoping you have ITunes on your PC select films and AddFile to library from PC ,once in ITunes Sync to Ipad and away you go???
thanks will defently try that but I will have to figure out how to download a movie I already own that I have burned to disks onto my computer.
Wouldn't it be easier to add a DVD player to your TV?
the point is to be able to watch the movie away from home on the ipad. I have a dvd player surround sound system but would like to watch movies on the ipad with out haveing to buy them all over again. I have a lot of movies I have burned to disks over the years. Stuff that itunes dosen;t carry like some of my fav john wayne movies or carry grant stuff not to mention newer moives the would cost me 17.99 on itunes that I could buy for 5.00 on a dvd.
Is there anyway to transfer stuff like moves from you home computer onto your Ipad 2? I have my cable set up to run through a dvr into my home computer since my flat screen dosen;t have a cable hookup and I use my flatscreen as my computer monitor but I was wondering since I record alot of tv and movies onto my computer is there a way to transfer some onto my Ipad?

Yes u should download av hd player then u can watch all kind of video formets
Ipad support only mp4 and no any video forment but if u will download av hd player then u can watch everything use wifi transfer for transfer file from computor to ipad u can transfer 1gb movie within 5min
Yes it is possible, to transfer movies from your computer to your iPad 2, you must have iTunes installed on your computer. Connect your iPad 2 to the computer with the data cable. Launch iTunes, and you can have movie folder on iTunes, you can transfer movie to your iPad by clicking the Synch/Apply button at the bottom right of the page. The movies will transfer to your iPad.
Synchronizt to itune is baddest way for trasfer movies bcaz ipad not support sny video formet only support mp4

And almost video formats r mkv avi and many more
So download avhdplayer and transfer movies via wifi 5 min is enough to transfer one fulll movie from computor to ipad
I say this bcaz i everyday watch 2movies onipad and i use avhdplayer from app store
Try this app u will fan of avhdplayer really amzing wifi transfer
And good this is that u no need internet connection for transfer wifi it work same bluetooth
Buy one wifi moderm rejected in 200 ruppes and then u can transfer via wifi everything
I thik wifiis the good way to transfer movie check avhdplayer on app store
Synchronizt to itune is baddest way for trasfer movies bcaz ipad not support sny video formet only support mp4

And almost video formats r mkv avi and many more
So download avhdplayer and transfer movies via wifi 5 min is enough to transfer one fulll movie from computor to ipad
I say this bcaz i everyday watch 2movies onipad and i use avhdplayer from app store
Try this app u will fan of avhdplayer really amzing wifi transfer
And good this is that u no need internet connection for transfer wifi it work same bluetooth
Buy one wifi moderm rejected in 200 ruppes and then u can transfer via wifi everything
I thik wifiis the good way to transfer movie check avhdplayer on app store
Thanks for the info and I have looked into the avhd player but the last reviews said the latest update was bad and it made it not work. I am waiting for a fix before I spend the money on one. I am using a converter right now that switches it to mp4 and its working right now. Im happy with it atleast for the time being until the a fix for the player and a better way comes along.
I dont know who write wrong comments about av hd player

I also update it working same before
Before version avhdplayer alphabatt written in big letters
Now after update look smalll leters but vide play capicity is good
N dear one before i also convert to mp4. Then see movie it take too long time n more space
Is better download av hd player

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