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Is Paper the Perfect New Drawing App for you Retina Display iPad?


iPadForums News Team

One of the new apps out this week that has created a lot of attention is Paper from developers FiftyThree. The Verge has an excellent feature on the new app, and it really does look very impressive indeed. The app initially comes with an eraser and a fountain pen tool for drawing and sketching, and you can buy four more tools as an in-app purchase for $1.99 each, namely Write, which is a ballpoint pen, Sketch, which is a pencil, Outline, which is a marker, and Color, which is a watercolour paintbrush. There's also an Essentials pack available for $7.99. The Verge highlights Paper’s Rewind tool as particularly noteworthy (it’s hard to write this news story without a lot of paper-themed puns!), being a way of undoing your mistakes. All you have to do if you want to change or get rid of what you’ve drawn is put two fingers on the screen and move them in a counter-clockwise direction; the app will then erase each of your strokes, one by one, up to 20 previous strokes. The Verge calls it a “user interface breath of fresh airâ€. All in all, this could well be the best drawing, sketching and note-taking app yet for your iPad. Wonder what David Hockney will make of this?!

Click here to download the free app: Paper by FiftyThree for iPad on the iTunes App Store

[FONT=&amp]Source:[/FONT] Paper: the next great iPad app, from the brains behind Courier | The Verge
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