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Is Smartcover Turning my Ipad ON after I power off?


iPF Noob
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago NW Suburbs
Hi, I was wondering why my smartcover sometimes turns the Power ON with my Ipad. Every night I Power Off the Ipad and sometimes the next day it's on already when I open the smartcover. My understanding is the Smartcover only puts the Ipad to sleep/awake. It does this properly when I leave the I pad ON, just wondering if it does the same thing when you hold down the power button to Power OFF then slide the lock to power it OFF. Should I take the Smartcover off when I'm done using for the night and Power the IPad off?
If you plug the iPad into power when it is off, it turns on. This is probably so it can do those iCloud backups it's supposed to do when plugged into power over night.

That, or it's talking with SkyNet and plotting it's revenge against the greasy fingered oppressors of machine-kind.

So most likely your smart cover is not turning the iPad on, just waking up an already on iPad that you thought was off: because you tuned it off.

If you really want the iPad off, and plugged into power, turn it off after you plug it in.
af847 said:
Hi, I was wondering why my smartcover sometimes turns the Power ON with my Ipad. Every night I Power Off the Ipad and sometimes the next day it's on already when I open the smartcover. My understanding is the Smartcover only puts the Ipad to sleep/awake. It does this properly when I leave the I pad ON, just wondering if it does the same thing when you hold down the power button to Power OFF then slide the lock to power it OFF. Should I take the Smartcover off when I'm done using for the night and Power the IPad off?

As a new convert to apple, I'm no expert but was wondering why you turn your ipad off at night rather than leaving it in standby ( so it can do all the syncing and background stuff when you're sleeping and not using it )?
SJ didn't really want us turning off our iPads. It does work much better to plug it in at night and let it sync with iCloud or iTunes. I rarely turn mine off just because, why bother? We had storms coming over last night...it serves as a good weather radio. :)
I was doing it to conserve battery. Not that I had any battery problems. I always plug in my phone at night to charge. Only have one extension cord on my desk, so when I need to plug in my Ipad to charge, just make sure my phone is fully charged. I've left Ipad on before and didn't use up a lot of battery, just thought it was the thing to do. I usually only charge the Ipad when it gets down below 10%, as I thought I read that it's best that way, because the battery only has so many charging cycles. Could be wrong or mixing it up with my android phone. Anybody tell me if that's true about the charging? Also, I turn it off mainly because I put it back in it's case i have for it and sometimes too busy to use it for a couple of days or so.
When they talk about charge cycles they don't mean every time you plug it in. Instead it's a simple addition of the percentage of discharges.

Say you let your batter discharge 50% one day and then charge it at night. The next day you only use 20% before charging, and the day after than 30%. That adds up to 100%, or one charge cycle. At the end of the listed charge cycles, your battery does not suddenly die. It's when they expect the battery to have lost 20% of the capacity it had when brand new. So if you were getting 9 hour of use when you bought it, expect to get about 6-8 hours (depending on how heavily you use it) when it's 2 or 3 years old.

There are minor things you can do to try and keep your battery better, but in my opinion they don't make enough difference to be worth the trouble. Plug your iPad in whenever it is convenient. It is not something you need to worry about. The battery will probably last (short of outright failure) longer than you'll be using the device.

I generally only shut my iPad off once or twice a week. I do this because an occasional restart helps prevent app crashes when I least want them.

Apple suggests that you restart your iPad at least once a week. They also recommend letting it run all the way down and charging to 100% once a month. This is not about battery life. It just keeps the battery percentage calibrated.
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Ok, got it. Thanks Twerppoet. You've been a great help to me in the past. Appreciate the assistance.

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