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Is there a way to see your purchases

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Well, enter the 'Settings' selection from the home page, and select 'General'; then in the right panel, choose 'Usage' - when the partial app list is displayed, press 'Show all Apps' - let us know if that solution is satisfactory?
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Thank you for the information but I am still not finding what I am looking for.
If the previous answers weren't what you were looking for, what are you looking for with respect to your purchases exactly? Let us know what kind of purchases you're talking about, what you need to know, that sort of thing and I'm sure you'll get the answer(s) you need.
What I am trying to do is see the apps that I have actually purchased. I have found where I can see all apps that have been downloaded/purchased but it doesn't specific which ones actually cost money. ie some are free and others cost money. I just want to be able to look at ones that have been bought. Is this possible? Thanks
What I am trying to do is see the apps that I have actually purchased. I have found where I can see all apps that have been downloaded/purchased but it doesn't specific which ones actually cost money. ie some are free and others cost money. I just want to be able to look at ones that have been bought. Is this possible? Thanks
Okay, got it now. Boy, that's a tough one. You should have gotten e-mails from Apple for each app you've downloaded (free or paid). Or you could go on line and find the App Store page for each app, but that's a bit of a pain if you have quite a few.

Perhaps others will have some suggestions.
There's no way, AFAIK, to know which apps were free and which ones were paid for, unless you kept your receipts. Or, made an Excel spreadsheet like ... well, some people I know! :D

It's like Rich said, you'll have to search each one out individually.

You can, however, use iTunes to search, without having to plug in the iPad. Go to iTunes Store (left side). Then, click on your iTunes account e-mail in the upper right side. You'll get a screen and one line will be "Purchase History." Click on the See All link and another page will open. It's still a pain to look through, but it essentially provides you with a copy of all your receipts. If you've gotten a lot of apps (paid or free), you have a lot of pages to go through. But - this is the only way I know of to actually see whether an app was free or purchased versus Googling...

Good luck.

Agree w/ Marilyn - in fact, I did the same the other day, i.e. entered my account and looked at my order history to check on several items - and yes, it is a pain to go through the pages if you have put a LOT of apps (paid or not) onto your iPad - good luck and please let us know if this suggestion works for you - may help others! :)
Thank you all for the information. I did receive an email for the app I purchased it just was a few days after I had purchased it and after i had started this thread. So, that will help me out I have not yet tried the last suggestion, but I do appreciate it very much!!! And will try that as well. ; )

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