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Is this the best way to sort this out?


iPF Noob
Hi Guys,
As an older type of person who is not really a computer expert I could use a little advice here. Probably the best way to explain this is for me to tell you what I THINK may work and then for you to tell me why it won't. lol
OK, I have an old netbook with a lot of Microsoft Office Word files that I would like to copy/paste across to my iPad 2 so that I can read, edit and add to them. All 3 of those actions are very important.
I plan to make a copy of all the files and save it to the desktop of the Netbook. This will be the copy that I work with and the original will be kept safe just in case it all goes pear shaped. I will then convert the copy to .epub.
It should then be possible to upload the files to iTunes and then a quick sync with the iPad and Bob's your Aunt Fanny.
Will that do the trick or is there a simpler way?
It's a lot simpler than that, get the DropBox app on your netbook and iPad (it's a free download) then drag your MS Word files into it on your netbook and hey presto, they will appear in your DropBox on your iPad. You then need a suitable office app, something like Quickoffice (I like to use this) and you can open the files in this app and edit as much as you like.

The Archangel
Yup. Or even just email them to yourself. IPad will sort them and open them in, like Gab says, any appropriate office app (I use Office2HD). This app has an incredibly simple drag and drop wifi file transfer system too - hey Prestatyn, simples! Robert's your father's bro and all that.
Thanks for the advice, guys.
I haven't discarded the idea of using e-mails but I just fancy using the Drop-box idea first, mostly because I already have it, installed but unused, on the iPad.
A couple of points though. You said ...... "You then need a suitable office app," ..... OK, what does an app need to make it suitable?
I'm not a cheapo but I don't like buying apps that don't work so is there a suitable free app with maybe a paid for upgrade that I can buy if the freebie works out?
Suitable apps? ALL paid office apps. Best spend a few quid if I were you. A tenner or so will do it, and don't worry, it WILL work. The few available free office stylee apps aren't worth the grief, and as mentioned, they're few and far between, if any even.
mlaurencg4 said:
You might recommend CloudOn. Requires Dropbox account - both free for the moment. Cheers, Mike.

Thanks Mike.....CloudOn isn't available natively in the UK although there are workarounds......as the OP asked for simple I avoided anything that needed a workaround.....but good call.

The Archangel
Quick update .....
Hi again,
Just thought that I should let you know what I eventually did to get it to work.
I had a look at various Office Apps including QuickOffice and Office2hd and QuickOffice seemed to be taking a pounding in the review section so I opted for Office2hd. I ain't saying that any other office app wouldn't work, just that as a first time buyer, this one looked easier to use in the reviews and "Easier to use" is what us oldies like to see (some of us, anyway, lol)
Anyway, it does what I want it to do so that's me sorted. Thanks for all the help and advice.

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