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Issues with connectivity adapter


iPF Noob
I have tried a 8 gb, 2gb, & a 1gb sd card - none of the photos are seen by my iPad 2 (v 4.3.5)
So is my adapter defective or is it due to the Pad's OS ?
sethm1 said:
I have tried a 8 gb, 2gb, & a 1gb sd card - none of the photos are seen by my iPad 2 (v 4.3.5)
So is my adapter defective or is it due to the Pad's OS ?

I have found if you take photos from a camera directly it works fine. If you try to transfer photos to a memory card, them to the iPad it does not read the images at all.
Try this,
Take a card that has no images on it and format it in your camera (this is a camera option but it will erase all photos so make sure it doesnt have any images on it that you want to keep).
Take a few test pictures and try that. If that doesn't work, all I can suggest is you take your iPad, and camera to a retailer and see if they can help.

Good luck let us know how it works
did as suggested.
Tried a reg 2 GB & a 8 HD GB card.

Then removed the card from the adapter plugged into a SD slot in PC and copied a photo from photo a library.
Then inserted into the iPad - not recognized - and in the same default (DCIM)folder as the is the photo taken from my camera.

So back to the PC, then renamed the photo sequentially after the photo taken by my camera (P1010946.JPG). Now the photo copied from my PC is P1010947.JPG

And success.

SO, seems the iPad only recognizes numbers not a name - the photo from PC was "cloud.jpg" - w/out the quotes.

Now to try same thing with a movie.
Well I am glad you found a solution! When looking around the Internet and talking to people in IT it seems that apple limits what can come on to their devices and how it can get there. The file name may be the issue in this case

The real test will be after you try to import a series of photos. Good luck

Yes, I had already thought about syncing multiple photos.
I would hope the 'trick' where you select the first photo then select all, then rt click for rename-will work.
Another day maybe.
I just got done with Apple care, they seem not to have any answer to this question. I say it is a IOS problem. My friend who is a professional photographer has the same problems. His wife could not load pictures from SD card also.
jophine13 said:
I just got done with Apple care, they seem not to have any answer to this question. I say it is a IOS problem. My friend who is a professional photographer has the same problems. His wife could not load pictures from SD card also.

The iPad is looking for photo files within a "DCIM" folder on the card. Try creating that folder and placing your files there.

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