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iswift question


iPF Noob
Hi guys, first post here.

I have bought my wife an ipad for christmas, primarily for using with her photos but also the facebook game sadville...sorry....yoville :D

bit of poor research on my part as i naturally assume this game would work and only just found out about apples lack of support for flash.

During my google searches trying to resolve this problem i came across the iswift software and its apparent compatibility with facebook games....yet there seems to be no list of what games it is compatible with.

im obviously stuck with the ipad now and we'll download the software christmas day to find out if it works, but i just wondered if anyone here may have tried it with this game, and if it works?

thanks, and merry christmas to you all
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You might want to check out "SkyFire HD" for the iPad, it allows you to watch Flash, it doesn't work with games, they say. Games, probably never, sad to say.:(
thanks for the reply. i have been reading up on skyfire.....it doesnt really seem to do a huge amount of good and the reviews arent great...so my hopes are on iswift at the moment!
well just in case anyone else is looking for the answer to this question, the answer is no, yoville doesnt run on iswifter

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