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It's All Gone Pete Tong


iPF Noob
Hi there everyone,

I hate that my first post on here is me begging for help, but I seem to have gotten myself into abit of a pickle with my week old IPAD 2 32GB (apple refurb).

I updated it to 5.1.1 before jailbreaking it. Everything was fine and dandy. It all came flooding back to me since i first JB'd my first gen ipod touch.

Things started to go wrong when I realised my rear camera shutter wouldn't open. I searched about abit and after every fix failed I found someone saying that I needed to reset all my settings. So I did just that and.......Nope, still no camera shutter but now the added pain of being stuck in safe mode. I clicked the restart button several times that kept on popping up but it kept on reverting to safe mode.

I thought, well the ipads gonna have to go back to apple, so ill need to un-install the jailbreak. Simple I thought, I'm sure I did it on my touch a few years ago. Anyway, plugged it into itunes, bashed restore and waited while I had my tea (chicken madras if anyone was wondering). Anyway, it failed giving me a 1601 error. It got stuck on the connect to itunes screen but wouldnt show up as connected to itunes, so I did abit more reading and put it into DFU mode. Downloaded TinyUmbrella like the guide on here told me to. The untick set host to cydia on exit was actually greyed out.

Downloaded another IOS as the one I had, itunes didnt like it as it says invalid file type.

Stuck it into DFU mode and itunes picked up my ipad.

Manually selected the firmware I downloaded and still the same invalid file type error.

So im stuck..............I assume its stuck in DFU mode as it wont do owt else.

Itunes wont restore it and it dosnt like any of the firmwares I download.

Have I got a new rather expensive serving tray? I hope not.

Look forward to hearing anyones ideas. Stressing about getting this sorted as I bought it to take on my honeymoon (2 weeks on sunday) while the wife to be burns in the sun with her bloody kindle.

Hope I got the right section as well. From being on other forums I know how annoying it can be.

Thanks in advance,

- Rich


I'll probably be checking for a reply every 30 / 40 seconds, lol.
Hi and welcome to the forum! Good to "see" you and I hope you enjoy your visits.

Have a look at this tutorial (Failsafe Method to Restore Current iOS) http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lsafe-method-restore-current-version-ios.html. If anything can help (short of an actual hardware problem) - that'll do it.

If you follow the steps exactly as written, you should end up with an iPad on iOS 5.1.1, which is the most current.

Good luck and do let us know how you get on.

I have been using that tutorial but with no such luck. I'll go through it check list style to help fault find it abit better.

1) Itunes is up to date

2) Downloaded tinyumbrella. The ''Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit'' tick box was already greyed out. Having looked around the programme it didnt detect anything on the menu on the left. I'm assuming it should have done.

3) I'm downloading the exact firmware the link gave me, although it's only one digit different to the other two I have previously downloaded. This one is ''iPad2,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore'' and my others are iPad2,4_5.1.1_9B206_Restore and iPad2,2_5.1.1_9B206_Restore Am I to assume there all the bllomin' same and i'v waited patiently for them to download for no reason.

4) Device is in DFU mode

5) Not disabled anything yet as it seems to be the files that are causing a problem rather than anything else running.

6) Manually restore. Hasn't accpeted the previous 2 firmwares. Will update this post once the 3rd one has downloaded.

Thanks for the quick replies and thanks to fleur07 for putting me in the right place and the PM's.
Just tried using one of the ''other'' firmwares to upate to see what it said as I had forgotten and it says the filetype is not compatable.
Moderator edit: Moved to the Hacking section to give the other jail breakers a "crack at it"...

It seemed to like the new firmware but gave me a 1601 error. Will try it on my bro's laptop tomorrow when I finish eork. I do hope iv not screwed it up.
First off, the firmware files are quite different and that will be an issue! You MUST get the right file for your iPad model. Which model is it? You don't say. 32GB is the size of the storage. Since you are in the UK, the iPad2 will either be - wifi only or 3G (i.e. takes a SIM card like a phone). Only the file marked for that model on our download links page will work for that device. Downloading the others is just a waste of time and bandwidth!
Where did you get the iPad2,4 file from? I don't think we have that on the page yet? That file is for the new 32nm iPad2 models. I would not of thought you would have got that as a refurb, but if so, that that could be your problem... See below however...

Secondly, a 1601 error usually indicates that some other software on the PC is causing issues with the restore. You really need to kill everything which is not needed including anti-virus, disalbe firewall, etc. The fact that TinyUmbrella has it's options greyed out tells me that something may be protecting your hosts file from being edited, so that's probably what you have to kill!

Finally, just try pressing "restore" in iTunes when the device is connected in DFU mode. Manually downloading the file and selecting it is a failsafe for folks with poor internet connections. Since you've downloaded 3 files it doesn't sound like that is your problem.

To summarise, kill everything not required before you start, connect the iPad in DFU mode, and press restore in iTunes. It will get the correct file for you and should install. If you still get a 1601 double check what might still be active on your PC and interfering with the process. Make sure you are using the real iPad cable. Not one for another device. And make sure you are not connected via a hub. If all else fails try on another PC using this method (not the failsafe). Just connect in DFU and hit restore.

Let us know how you get on, and good luck.
Thanks for the detailed reply. Having woken up at 5.30am and gone straight to work, I won't have chance to play again until I get home someone after 3pm.

My ipad is the wifi only version. So have I now got ther right file?

Im running a xp sp3. Might try my bro's as my pc acts up from time to time

I have tried just clicking restore but it fails but like advised ill kill avg, which is about the only other thing running and try again.
Thanks for all of the replies and well wishes.
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Well I took my ipad straight around to my bro's house. Plugged it into his itunes and after a few updates..............hooray!

All sorted, Thanks to everyone who offered advice and helped me out. I promise to stick around!

All the best!
Well I took my ipad straight around to my bro's house. Plugged it into his itunes and after a few updates..............hooray!

All sorted, Thanks to everyone who offered advice and helped me out. I promise to stick around!

All the best!

That's awesome news. Just bear in mind that something on your PC is preventing you from doing this for the next time you need to restore! It's likely AVG, but there may be other things as well. AVG is also protecting your hosts file which is preventing TinyUmbrella from doing it's thing.

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