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iTune store Account migration


iPF Noob
Hi all,
Is there a way to migrate an account, say from iTune France to iTune UK?
I have a bunch of apps I purchase from the French site and given that an account is bound to the geographic origin of the credit card used, i then wonder if it is at all possible.

Is there someone out there who may have had successful experience in migrating account?

Hi all,
Is there a way to migrate an account, say from iTune France to iTune UK?
I have a bunch of apps I purchase from the French site and given that an account is bound to the geographic origin of the credit card used, i then wonder if it is at all possible.

Is there someone out there who may have had successful experience in migrating account?


It's simply easier to open a second account...and you don't need a credit card... see the official Apple advice...

Create an iTunes App Store account without a credit card

I should have added that you need a Gift Card that's relevant to the country that you're trying to set up an account for. But these are widely available from reputable dealers on the Internet. Since you only need the card number, that's on the back of the card, to open the account and not the physical card itself, these retailers will email you that number so that you're good to go in just a couple of minutes.

I should have added that you need a Gift Card that's relevant to the country that you're trying to set up an account for. But these are widely available from reputable dealers on the Internet. Since you only need the card number, that's on the back of the card, to open the account and not the physical card itself, these retailers will email you that number so that you're good to go in just a couple of minutes.


Thanks again. That explains why the "no credit card" option did not appear.
The Help is much appreciated.
There is a way to create a new account without a credit card or gift card. In iTunes try to download a free app, eg iBooks. You will get a dialogue box to sign in or to create a new account. Select Create new account. Now when you come to the Credit Card screen, you will find an option on the extreme right saying "None". Select this and you will be able to create the account without a credit card or gift card. Hope this helps...
Doesn't seem to work in ios7, as you don't get the option of creating new id after selecting 'install'.
Anyone have an update on how to create an extra account in a different country? I do have an address and ID in the second country.
You can do this on your iPad.
Go to App Store - Featured. Scroll down to your current Apple ID, tap it and sign out. That done, sign in again. From the following popup, choose "Create New Apple ID" and follow the process.

Second possibility: sign out as told before. Choose a free app and tap "Install". You will get the option to create an Apple ID.

This link might help: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2534
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Many thanks, that answered perfectly and now I have a choice of two Apps Stores:thumbs::thumbs:

You can do this on your iPad.
Go to App Store - Featured. Scroll down to your current Apple ID, tap it and sign out. That done, sign in again. From the following popup, choose "Create New Apple ID" and follow the process.

Second possibility: sign out as told before. Choose a free app and tap "Install". You will get the option to create an Apple ID.

This link might help: Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account without a credit card

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