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iTunes debacle


iPF Noob
We had an electrical disaster that fried just about everything ... including the laptop and an external harddrive used for backups.

Consequently, I'm starting over with a new laptop and have just downloaded and installed iTunes. There is no chance of recovering either the original iTunes files or the backup.

Is there any way to at least preserve the apps, music, etc. that are on my iPad? Tranfer it all to iTunes? Or will the iPad be wiped clean the first time it syncs. with the new iTunes?

Thanks for any information you can provide.
If you installed the latest iTunes, you can go to the Purchased tab to at least get all your purchases (including apps) you made (free or paid).

There may be some tools to get stuff from the iPad, but I personally dont know.

There are shops that exist that can get data off drives in even worse condition than yours. I know Geek Squad has a service for that. The problem is, it can be in the thousands of dollars depending on what needs to happen.
We had an electrical disaster that fried just about everything ... including the laptop and an external harddrive used for backups.

Is there any way to at least preserve the apps, music, etc. that are on my iPad? Tranfer it all to iTunes? Or will the iPad be wiped clean the first time it syncs. with the new iTunes?

Thanks for any information you can provide.

What colossal bad luck. Sorry to hear about your trouble. If the apps/music on the iPad were purchased via the Apple app store or iTunes on the device then you can transfer them onto your computer. Open iTunes. Plug your device into your computer. Click on "File" in iTunes and then "Transfer Purchases From name of device"
Aw man, sorry to hear of your troubles.

There are various programs that say they can get stuff off an iPad to a PC - some free, some paid for. A Google search will show what I mean. A couple of years ago, I used some program (that I Googled to find) that allowed me to transfer songs from my iPod to my new PC. If I recall correctly, it worked about 99% well. I also remember thinking that I was happy with that 99% (I was trying to transfer a bunch of music I had ripped from my CDs - didn't relish the idea of re-ripping 200+ CDs...).

Maybe look into one of those to try to get the stuff off your iPad that you can't re-download from the App Store?


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