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Itunes descriminates manually downloaded update package


iPF Noob
I downloaded the iOS 5 update package and tried to do the update but iTunes won't let me it just says incompatible software. So I had to download it with iTunes (because the first time I tries it it says 20hours left), but then I open up the iTunes download location, it's the exact same file! Wtf?
I can assure you it does not. I only ever update by the "manual" method and have never had a problem, including IOS5 today on multiple devices.

Maybe it was an incomplete download?
File names are pretty meaningless. What is the exact file size and hash signature (MD5)? I guarantee they are different.

It wil just be a truncated download. Always happens on a major IOS release. All the bandwidth in the world can't cope with millions of iDevices users trying to download 700MB+ files at once... :(
Well maybe it was incomplete or something, but I have almost never ever encountered an incomplete download with the downloading software saying that it was completed. Maybe once in the past 10 years. and I download stuff everyday, literally.
I agree. I'm in the same boat. But a major IOS release tends to re-write the rules :)

The "manual" method is selecting a firmware is a failsafe provided by Apple in iTunes. It is not a work-around or other "fudge" of the system. So there is no way Apple would "hobble" it or otherwise disable it. It exists specifically so that you can always install a version of IOS by providing a valid firmware file.

As I say, I use it exclusively and always have, including 4 times today!
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