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iTunes Error 7


iPF Novice
When iTunes updated it said that an error which prevented the update. However, everything seems to running correctly -including updating the iPad to 4.3. I really do not want to have to do an uninstall/reinstall if I do not need to. Advice?

About the only change I see in iTunes is that I can no longer see the iPad using Windows Explorer, but that could be a change included in the update?

Got an Error 11 during install, so you are not alone with update woes. But if everything is working fine, there isn't much to worry about.

The iPad should be visible under Windows Explorer though. This is just a guess, but my iPad is listed as a Digital Camera, so perhaps if the iPad does not have any saved pictures, the iPad simply blocks the Windows access.

But if this problem persists and a reboot of the iPad doesn't help, it might be advisable to reinstall the iPad firmware.
Thank you very much. I had photos but no shared photos. I edited one and saved it and now Windows Explorer can see it. Why does it not see the other photos that are not saved (in the Photo Library) but that are visible in the Photos app?
When I updated to 4.2.1 I got error also and then it made me restore and do it again, so I think i will hold off on the new update lol

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