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iTunes hi-jacked by iPhone


iPF Novice
Hi all.

Some time ago my daughter asked to use my PC to download and install iTunes so that she could back up her iPhone. I agree as at that time I did not own any Apple products.

I now own a Ipad 2 but before I did anything with it (as best as I remember) I uninstralled my daughters iTunes, and then installed iTunes for my usage.

However I now find that every time I open iTunes and click "movies" there is a movie that my daughter downloaded and I get an entry diaogue box with her iTunes username and it is asking for her pass word.

How can I remove her itune hi-jack? :mad:

Hi there.

Yep. I logged out, closed down iTunes, then reloaded iTunes and logged back in. When I checked, sure enough there was her movie and in the music section, a bucket load of songs.

Looks to me like this is your best bet.

How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer

Create a separate iTunes library for each device. Note: It is important that you make a new iTunes Library file. Do not just make a copy of your existing iTunes Library file. If iTunes is open, quit it.

Mac users: Hold down the Option key while you open iTunes.
Windows users: Hold down the Shift key while you open iTunes.
In the dialog that appears, click Create Library.
Name and save the alternate library file. iTunes opens with your brand new library file.
Open iTunes Preferences. Choose iTunes > Preferences (Mac) or Edit > Preferences (Windows).
Click the Advanced tab.
Deselect the "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library" checkbox if it is already selected and click OK. This will prevent iTunes from creating duplicates of your existing media files in the new library folder.

Add the specific media files you want on your device to iTunes either by dragging them into iTunes or choosing File > Add to Library (Mac) or File > Add File to Library or Add Folder to Library (Windows).
Once you have the iTunes Library just how you want it, connect and sync your device.
Once the sync is complete, quit iTunes.
Mac users: Hold down the Option key while you open iTunes.
Windows users: Hold down the Shift key while you open iTunes.
Click Choose library.
Choose your original iTunes Library and click Choose (Mac Users) or Open (Windows Users). You can now switch back and forth between the different libraries for different devices.
Hi KevinJS.

Thanks for the instructions. I will have a go at it tomorrow when my shukra is more aligned :-) and let you know how I went.

Hi KevinJS.

Well my shukra was aligned this morning......to a point :-)

I followed your advice and created a new iTunes library called "John's iTunes". I transferred 3 apps from the delinquent library as you advised but the method I used is uncertain, I think I did it as you suggested. I kept the iTunes page open and then located the delinquent library in the Windows root directory, hi-lighted all the apps that I wanted and dragged the lot onto the iTunes page.

When I let the button go the iTunes info bar at the top started to spin to advise that something was happening. When the bar stopped spinning it looked like some of the stuff that I selected had been transferred across as was some of the stuff I did not select also came across, mainly my daughters songs. It's obvious that I goofed somewhere rather badly, but nothing that I could not work around by either re-down loading or deleting.

When competed I did a diagnostic and all come up trumps. I then checked Account information and only my details were given.

Now for the problem.....

(1) When I opened the apps page on the PC iTunes page and then compared the Apps on the iPad they were different. By different I mean there were apps that were showing on one device and not on the other. This was in both directions. I sync'd over and over but they would now move across, PC to iPad and vice versa.

(2) The second thing, again not important as I can live without it , my delinquent iTune icon has disappeared from the PC desktop, now I can not switch from one to the other as you suggest.

(3) I later downloaded another App from iTunes directly from the iPad to the iPad, sync'd with the same problematic result.

My main concern is problem (1 & 3) and how to over come that so whenever I syc they finish up looking the same . Any suggestions?

I'll get back to you on this one after I've tried this out on my computer. One of my kids has his own AppleID and he's always whining about my hideous taste in music so it will be useful to me (or at least him) as well.

The info should be OK, as I grabbed it from Apple's support site. We will get this working yet.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
Hi KevinJS.

Man that was a quick reply! Just to ease your pain (and mine), the Apps download issue suddenly came good as I managed to download successfully BOTH WAYS.... and the downloads appeared on both devices...... Ripper!

Now the only thing that is out standing is the missing delinquent iTunes icon so as to enable switching between them. Maybe you are meant to use the same icon and then somehow switch inside the open iTunes window. If that is the case, I haven't found the switch that would do that job. Again I say Kevin, this is not an issue, it is simply curiosity

I think you need to hold down shift as you are booting iTunes to get the option as to which library you want to start with. There should only be one icon for the program as there is only one instance of the program on your PC. It's just the library that's different.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
When I hold down the shift key and click the icon I am presented with a small iTunes selection box asking me to "Quit" or "Choose library" or "Create library". So far so good.

But when I select "Choose Library" instead of going to another library, I am thrown back to the Windows Root directory under the folder "John's iTunes" containing 3 folders, Album Artwork, iTunes Media and iTunes Library, at the bottom of that window I am asked to enter something in to the entry box labelled, "File Name".

Clearly this is not where I should be. For some reason I am being removed from the iTunes program.

I am not unduly troubled by this "throw out" action as in all other respects iTunes appears to be working O.K.

At present I can not think why I may need to go into my daughter's iTunes program, but like I said, I am merely curios. I would hate to damage what I have finally achieved just to satisfy that curiosity. :-)

How do you get that repeating footnote into your posts?


Janset said:
How do you get that repeating footnote into your posts?

That's a signature. You set it up in your profile. If you want to do it and have trouble let me know and I'll help you.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
Thanks Kevin.

I think I got that. The next few posts with confirm it. If I have failed I will get back to you.

In our family we have myself, husband and three kids with idevices. We have one main computer each of us has our own login icon on the computer, each of us has iTunes down loaded on their own profile. So,when we turn the computer we just switch to what user is on, so everyone has their own iTunes account and everything is seperate.
gresh, you must be a dyed in the wool Apple person :-) to master such feats. I had all sorts of problems just escaping my daughter high-jacking my PC with her iPhone (iTune installation) and then me having to fix it (with huge help from this forum). Being a Windows man, it's baby steps for me for a while I think, how does the saying go, old dogs and new tricks?


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