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iTunes MOVIES NOW APPS! The Dark Knight And Inception


Super Moderator

Warner Bros. has started a new fad in the App Store. They have started to put their movies into applications, which are free in the App Store, so that people in countries that do not get the iTunes Movie Store can still get movies. Now after you have downloaded the free app, you can check out a few extra features, watch the first 5 minutes of the movie, trailers, etc.

After you have bought the full version(through in-app purchase) of the movie, you get all the extra features within the app. Here you have a load of High Quality photos, videos, outtakes, etc. that you can now keep forever, just like a DVD or BD. The only movies out currently are The Dark Knight and Inception, but the free version is worth a gander. An hell, if it's something that interests you, give the full version a go. Can't wait to see more studios do this and even add more mini-games into the apps.

Inception App:
Inception: App Edition for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

The Dark Knight App:
The Dark Knight: App Edition for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

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