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Itunes.. Moving music around


iPF Noob
I have a bunch of music on my iTunes on my desktop. None of it was bought through iTunes. Can I move some of it to my ipad? My desktop is old.windows XP. I downloaded the latest iTunes but the only thing I can find is home sharing. Not even sure what that is. Can anyone help? I hate to lose all of my hundreds and hundreds of songs.
you can go to the itunes library, either in the file colum or the edit and stroll down to you see New play list. highlight all the songs you want to moved. they should be highlighted. you can give the New playlist a name. it should appear in the left side of the library. these songs are now ready to be recorded to a cd/dvd/external drive or a sd card with enough memory. but remember you can't record them unless you have put them the New list. hope this helps. Freddie

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